When the sun had left and the winter came
当太阳西沉 当冬天来临
And the sky fall could only bring the rain
当天空昏暗 当大雨倾盆
I sat in darkness, all broken hearted
我堕入无边黑暗 满目疮痍
I couldn't find a day I didn't feel alone
I never meant to cry, started losing hope
我从未想过会哭泣 会失去希望
But somehow baby, you broke through and saved me
但你出现了 拯救我于浑浑噩噩之中
You're an angel, tell me you're never leaving
你就是我的天使 告诉我你不会离我而去
Cause you're the first thing I know I can believe in
You're holy, holy, holy, holy
你圣洁纯净 宛若神迹
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you
我爱你胜过一切 至死不渝
You're holy, holy, holy, holy
你是我的信仰 我的归宿
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you
我爱你不能自拔 死心塌地
You made the brightest days from the darkest nights
You're the river bank where I was baptized
你若清流 洗礼着我
Cleanse all the demons
给我带来欢乐 带我走出阴霾
That were killing my freedom
Let me lay you down, give me to ya
让我拥你入怀 给你我的所有
Get you singing babe, hallelujah
为我歌唱 哈利路亚
We'll be touching, we'll be touching heaven
我们将遨游天际 置身天堂
You're an angel, tell me you're never leaving
你就是我的天使 告诉我你不会离我而去
Cause you're the first thing I know I can believe in
You're holy, holy, holy, holy
你圣洁纯净 宛若神迹
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you
我爱你胜过一切 至死不渝
You're holy, holy, holy, holy
你是我的信仰 我的归宿
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you
我爱你不能自拔 死心塌地
I don't need the stars cause you shine for me
星光黯淡 因为有你为我闪耀
Like fire in my veins, you're my ecstasy, you're my ecstasy
爱你入魂 你让我心醉神迷
You're holy, holy, holy, holy
你圣洁纯净 宛若神迹
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you
我爱你胜过一切 至死不渝
You're holy, holy, holy, holy
你是我的信仰 我的归宿
I'm high on loving you, high on loving you
我爱你不能自拔 死心塌地
You're the healing hands where it used to hurt
You're my saving grace, you're my kind of church
你是我的恩泽 我的港湾
You're holy
2.Dig Your Roots
3.Life Is a Honeymoon
6.May We All
9.Good Girl, Bad Boy
10.Wish You Were on It
11.God, Your Mama, And Me
12.Music Is Healing
13.While He's Still Around
14.Grow Old