Rusty barbed wire lines these fields
Gravel dust behind the wheels
开车驶过 砂石路上激起阵阵灰尘
Drifting like my mind into the rearview
映在后视镜里 像我一般漂泊不定
Jet trails cutting cross the sky
I'm rolling through the open wide
Searching for a song to drink beer to
收音机里找首歌 让我伴着喝瓶啤酒
And trying to find a place to disappear to
想找个没人的地方 人间蒸发一会儿
I light up the night and let it burn
我炙燃了这个夜晚 任其绽放绚烂
Lean back and watch the sundown fade
靠在椅背上 看着天边残阳消失不见
Do what I do when life's a little sideways
做好自己的事 尽管人生之路时而狭窄
I take a sip and say a prayer
我抿下一口 心中默念着祷告
Wait for a shooting star and stare
等待天边划过一颗流星 许下我的心愿
Off at the headlights on the highway
就在这高速公路上 遥望璀璨星空
That guy in the windshield looking back looks just like me
But there's a crack in the reflection
This is just a moonlight soaked, rain and smoke
月光洒在身上将我浸润 窗外烟雨朦胧
Right hand on a cold one confession
一杯冰啤酒攥在右手 是我的一番告解
Embers in the ashtray glow like memories that won't let go
尚未熄灭的烟烬发着红光 如同我无法抹去的记忆
I'm out here trying to get them untangled
我独自在此 只求自己不被过去困扰
In the darkness on the edge of town
四周漆黑一片 在这小城边际
A little lost, a little found
看似迷失的我 其实找回了自己
Waiting on a call from an angel
I light up the night and let it burn
我炙燃了这个夜晚 任其绽放绚烂
Lean back and watch the sundown fade
靠在椅背上 看着天边残阳消失不见
Do what I do when life's a little sideways
做好自己的事 尽管人生之路时而狭窄
I take a sip and say a prayer
我抿下一口 心中默念着祷告
Wait for a shooting star and stare
等待天边划过一颗流星 许下我的心愿
Off at the headlights on the highway
就在这高速公路上 遥望璀璨星空
That guy in the windshield looking back looks just like me
But there's a crack in the reflection
This is just a moonlight soaked, rain and smoke
月光洒在身上将我浸润 窗外烟雨朦胧
Right hand on a cold one confession
一杯冰啤酒攥在右手 是我的一番告解
Light up the night and let it burn
我炙燃了这个夜晚 任其绽放绚烂
Lean back and watch the sundown fade
靠在椅背上 看着天边残阳消失不见
Do what I do when life's a little sideways
做好自己的事 尽管人生之路时而狭窄
I take a sip and say a prayer
我抿下一口 心中默念着祷告
Wait for a shooting star and stare
等待天边划过一颗流星 许下我的心愿
Off at the headlights on the highway
就在这高速公路上 遥望璀璨星空
That guy in the windshield looking back looks just like me
But there's a crack in the reflection
Hope he's moving in the right direction
This is just a moonlight soaked, rain and smoke
月光洒在我身上将我浸润 窗外烟雨朦胧
Right hand on a cold one confession
一杯冰啤酒攥在右手 是我的一番告解