You get your hands in it
Plant your roots in it
Dusty headlight, dance with your boots in it (dirt)
车灯前尘土飞扬 一双长筒靴中起舞的你
You write her name on it
Spin your tires on it
Build your corn field, whiskey, bonfires on it (dirt)
玉米地 威士忌 篝火派对的故事都在这里展开
You bet your life on it, yeah
It's that
Elm shade, red rust clay you grew up on
在那片树荫下 在你长大的红土地上
That plowed up ground, that your dad damned his luck on
这片田地里 你爸爸也曾祈祷来年的收成
That post game party field you circle up on
And when it rains you get stuck on
下雨时泥泞不堪 你也曾在这里抛锚
Drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
乡间小道上车轮飞转 背后卷起灰尘滚滚
And mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
她的牛仔裤上溅了泥 索性脱下晾起
Her blue-eyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
夏日里她湛蓝的双眼 和脑中不可磨灭的笑容 可能也会让你心痛吧
Makes you wanna build
A 10 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt
想在这片土地上 和她搭起一座白色栅栏的小屋 相守一世
You've mixed some sweat with it
Taking a shovel to it
You've stuck some crosses and some painted
Goal posts through it (dirt)
在这片土地上挥洒汗水 肆意奔跑
You know you came from it (dirt)
And some day you'll return to
Elm shade, red rust clay you grew up on
在那片树荫下 在你长大的红土地上
That plowed up ground, that your dad damned his luck on
这片田地里 你爸爸也曾祈祷来年的收成
That post game party field you circle up on
And when it rains you get stuck on
下雨时泥泞不堪 你也曾在这里抛锚
Drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
乡间小道上车轮飞转 背后卷起灰尘滚滚
And mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
她的牛仔裤上溅了泥 索性脱下晾起
Her blue-eyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
夏日里她湛蓝的双眼 和脑中不可磨灭的笑容 可能也会让你心痛吧
Makes you wanna build
A 10 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt
想在这片土地上 和她搭起一座白色栅栏的小屋 相守一世
You know you came from it (dirt)
And some day you'll return to
Elm shade, red rust clay you grew up on
在那片树荫下 在你长大的红土地上
That plowed up ground, that your dad damned his luck on
这片田地里 你爸爸也曾祈祷来年的收成
That post game party field you circle up on
And when it rains you get stuck on
下雨时泥泞不堪 你也曾在这里抛锚
Drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
乡间小道上车轮飞转 背后卷起灰尘滚滚
And mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
她的牛仔裤上溅了泥 索性脱下晾起
Her blue-eyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
夏日里她湛蓝的双眼 和脑中不可磨灭的笑容 可能也会让你心痛吧
Makes you wanna build
A 10 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt
想在这片土地上 和她搭起一座白色栅栏的小屋 相守一世
Makes you wanna build
A 10 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt
想在这片土地上 和她搭起一座白色栅栏的小屋 相守一世