I have a memory
Of a time and place where history resigned
已被历史遗忘之处 我仍旧铭记
Now my apology
All the light came in to fulminate my mind
所有光芒照入心扉 谴责我的内心
Reach out, reach out
伸出双手 伸出双手
To all the ones who came before you
Ponder what is right
You and I, in defiance
你与我 拒绝服从
Speak out, speak out
敞开心扉 畅所欲言
The conversation may afford you
Wisdom of the wise
You and I, in defiance
你与我 拒绝服从
And I come from conscience where there is no conjugation
我的良知之心 也从未动摇
I would rather be a flower than the ocean
宁为一朵孤独野花 也不愿做那汪洋大海
And I held myself as something of an innovation
I would rather be devoured than be broken
宁被吞噬 也不愿支离破碎
All my life I tried so hard
此生 我竭尽全力
To separate myself from all
That is and was and will be torn apart
当下 过往 亦或将来 一切皆会分崩离析
You were running unafraid
你曾狂奔前行 无惧一切
I know you, but I've changed my way
我了解你 但我已改变前行方向
You know I take it all to heart
Home is where you've called my name
家 便是你一次次呼唤我名字之处
I've gone as far as the eye can blame
You said love may have lost its way
你曾言 爱或许已迷失方向
Now my life has been erased
如今 我的人生已被抹去痕迹
And what I gave, I gave for you
我所付出的一切 为了你
And for myself and for the holy name
也为了自我 为了那圣名
You were running unashamed
你曾狂奔前行 无愧于心
And yours is mine and all remains
As nothing ever stays the same
Reach out, reach out to all the ones who came before you
伸出双手 向那些曾来临此地之人
Reach out, reach out to all the ones who came before you
伸出双手 为了触及到已然故去的先人
Reach out, reach out and all at once the pain restores you
伸出双手 为了触及到已然故去的先人
Reach out, reach out and all at once the pain restores you
伸出手来 所有曾受的痛苦都将烟消云散 得以治愈内心
All at once the pain restores you
所有曾受的痛苦烟消云散 得以治愈内心
I have a memory of a time and place where history resigned
对于那已被历史遗忘之处 我仍旧铭记
Now in my reverie
此刻 沉浸遐想之中
For the guiding light that opened up my mind
那指路明灯 开阔我的心灵
1.It’s Your Own Body And Mind
2.Reach Out
3.Cimmerian Shade
5.Murder And Crime
6.Lost In The World
7.(This Is) The Thing
8.You Give Death A Bad Name
9.Back To Oz
11.Beginner’s Mind
12.The Pillar Of Souls
13.Lady Macbeth In Chains
14.Fictional California