In the night of surrender
In the full moonlight and the midnight game
满月光下 午夜游戏
Be the ghost and defender
成为鬼魂 与防御者
And of glory be thy name
荣耀将为 汝之盛名
In the curse of a nightmare
至时将尽 与飓风斗
In the end of time, fight a hurricane
做那闪电 抑或惊雷
Be the lightning, a thunder
并去燃起 最终火焰
And ignite the final flame
苍穹之上 七层地狱 七位恶魔 七次谋杀
掌握命运 遂将高升
Seven hells, seven demons, seven murders in the sky
夜间反叛 独自伫立 瑟瑟风中
Take your fate in your hands, and so we rise up high
夜间反叛 破坏所谓 圣洁恶行
夜间反叛 夜中苏醒 开始行动
Nighttime rebel, stand alone against the wind
夜间反叛 圣洁光辉 驱除黑暗
Nighttime rebel, break the holy sin
夜间反叛 背负圣心
Nighttime rebel, wake up in the night and let begin
夜间反叛 拂晓呼唤 开始行动
Nighttime rebel, holy light against the dark
Nighttime rebel, bear a holy heart
就在那 天被撕碎 信仰陷落处
Nighttime rebel, summon in the dawn and let begin
作为向导 与伪装者
吁求一场 瓢泼大雨
In the ongoing darkness
Where the sky in torn and belief has failed
烈焰之剑 无脑败绩
Be the guide, the pretender
凶猛如狼 又似幻像
And invoke the drowning rain
一钉一钉 上十字架
末日雨中 七个部落 七把匕首
By the hand of an outlaw
我们将要 陨于黎明 仍不认命 为时未晚
By the flaming sword and a headless fail
夜间反叛 独自伫立 凛冽风中
Like a wolf, like a phantom
夜间反叛 破坏所谓 圣洁恶行
To the cross bound nail by nail
夜间反叛 夜中苏醒 开始行动
夜间反叛 圣洁光辉 驱除黑暗
Seven hordes, seven daggers, in apocalyptic rain
午夜过后 诅咒之中
By the dawn we are fading, still denied, it's not too late
待到那时 地狱降生 面具揭开
最后一员 屈服破碎 仍未心服
Nighttime rebel, stand alone against the wind
夜间反叛 圣洁光辉 驱除黑暗
Nighttime rebel, break the holy sin
夜间反叛 背负圣心
Nighttime rebel, wake up in the night and let begin
夜间反叛 拂晓呼唤 开始行动
Nighttime rebel, before the sin
夜间反叛 祈祷并与 世界对抗
夜间反叛 让呼喊声 被人听见
In the curse after midnight
夜间反叛 夜中苏醒 带来罪恶
When inferno born and the mask unveil
Be the last, bent and broken, and denied the one to fail
Nighttime rebel, holy light against the dark
Nighttime rebel, bear a holy heart
Nighttime rebel, summon in the dawn and let begin
Nighttime rebel, pray and fight against the world
Nighttime rebel, make the call be heard
Nighttime rebel, wake up in the night and bring the sin
Nighttime rebel
2.Army of the Night
4.We Drink Your Blood
5.Let There Be Night
6.Night of the Werewolves
7.Demons Are a Girl‘s Best Friend
8.Killers with the Cross
10.Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone
12.Nightside of Siberia
13.The Sacrament of Sin
14.Venom of Venus
15.Nighttime Rebel
16.Fist by Fist (Sacralize or Strike)
17.Kiss of the Cobra King
18.Resurrection by Erection
19.The Evil Made Me Do It
21.Nata Vimpi Cvrmid / Ira Sancti (When the Saints Are Going Wild)