Venom of Venus take us all for blind
喝下金星的毒液 夺去我们的视力
Bringer of poison for the heart and mind
Never resist when your eyes inflame the wild
别再拒绝 你眼中狂迷的烈火
Venom of Venus or a fairytale
Sing of temptation when sirens wail
Out of our minds by the wonders you unveil
无法压制的欲望 推我们走上绝路
Come blessed desire bring us all to fail
我们是诅咒 来自烈焰与寒冰
我们是先行者 要处决说谎的罪人
We are the cursed we came form fire and ice
我们是被赐福者 请让我们喝下金星的毒液!
We are the first to kill the sinner for lies
We are the blessed, we crave the venom of Venus for life
我们是利剑 驯服电光火石
All our life
我们高喊主的名 所向披靡
We are the sword we tame the fire, the flame
我们掌控一切 血管中流淌着金星的毒液
We hail the lord we fear no rebel, no pain
金星的毒液 注满我们全身
We are possessed we have the venom of Venus in veins
心无杂念 唯有渴望存留
Venom of Venus inundate our veins
金星的毒液 使我们晕头转向
Eradicate minds till only lust remains
烈士的血 指引我们的路
Set us ablaze like the wake of hurricanes
无所畏惧 迎接最后的审判
Venom of Venus lead us all astray
我们是诅咒 来自烈焰与寒冰
Bring us the sin before the martyrs pray
我们是先行者 要处决说谎的罪人
Let it begin by the dawn of our judgement day
我们是被赐福者 请让我们喝下金星的毒液!
We are the cursed we came form fire and ice
我们是利剑 驯服电光火石
We are the first to kill the sinner for lies
我们高喊主的名 所向披靡
We are the blessed, we crave the venom of Venus for life
我们掌控一切 血管中流淌着金星的毒液
All our life
We are the sword we tame the fire, the flame
We hail the lord we fear no rebel, no pain
We are possessed we have the venom of Venus in veins
我们是诅咒 来自烈焰与寒冰
And in the eye of all the believing
我们是先行者 要处决说谎的罪人
Lead us straight to the curse divine
我们是被赐福者 请让我们喝下金星的毒液!
And by the time our hearts are healing
我们是利剑 驯服电光火石
Inject the poison in our minds
我们高喊主的名 所向披靡
我们掌控一切 血管中流淌着金星的毒液
We are the cursed we came form fire and ice
We are the first to kill the sinner for lies
We are the blessed, we crave the venom of Venus for life
We are the sword we tame the fire, the flame
We hail the lord we fear no rebel, no pain
We are possessed we have the venom of Venus in veins
2.Army of the Night
4.We Drink Your Blood
5.Let There Be Night
6.Night of the Werewolves
7.Demons Are a Girl‘s Best Friend
8.Killers with the Cross
10.Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone
12.Nightside of Siberia
13.The Sacrament of Sin
14.Venom of Venus
15.Nighttime Rebel
16.Fist by Fist (Sacralize or Strike)
17.Kiss of the Cobra King
18.Resurrection by Erection
19.The Evil Made Me Do It
21.Nata Vimpi Cvrmid / Ira Sancti (When the Saints Are Going Wild)