Stench of rot and filth prevails. You fight against the
iron chains to no avail. Strung you up in my of torture
and sin. Naked and sweating, let the beatings begin! Warm
up the tongs in the fireplace. Press the searing metal
against your innocent face. Break out the whip, put you
to the test. Pour molten hot oil on your quivering
breast... My body count continues, you're just another
*****. When I'm finished I'll dump you in a ditch. Strap
your welted body to my wooden rack. If you're lucky
you'll die of a heart attack. The horrible bed of nails
could be too much for you. But if you don't like it, I've
got a mask of spikes for you! Vice grips crush your
breasts in a screaming fit. I'll nail your fingers to the
table, make you eat your own *****t! And when I'm through
you'll be begging for more. And I'll rape broken body in
my bloody pit of horror!!!
2.Cannibal Apocalypse
3.Revenge Of The Scabby Man
4.Cannibal Lust
7.My Lai
8.Intense Mortification
9.I Work For The Streetcleaner
10.Heart Of Illinois
11.Trap Them And Kill Them
12.Sinister Urge
13.Staph Terrorist
14.Harbinger Of Death
16.Red Wigglers
17.My Lai
18.Wizard Of Gore
19.Dear Uncle Creepy
20.Defiling The Grave
21.Venereal Warts / The Belch
22.***** Death Teenage Mucous Monster From Hell
24.Jane Fonda Sucks
25.Bloody Pit Of Horror
26.Cannibal Ballet
27.Breakfast At The Manchester Morgue
28.My Lai