Prone on the operating table
Deep incision sliced on inanimate flesh
I love my disgusting equipment
Needles, scalpels, and brain scoops to diagnose death
Succumb to my horrible experiment
Intestines & limbs agog in fiendish disarray
Mutating your natural composition
Rearrange your vital organs in horrific dismay
I'm the ghoul of the medical profession
Foetid corpses and carcasses line the basement wall
With glee I dismember cadavers
I affix the pancreas where stomach should be
Rejuvenate the rancid corpses
The innards glisten in their new anatomical display
I cackle with post-mortem delight
The walls reek of sin & the stench of horrendous decay..
2.Cannibal Apocalypse
3.Revenge Of The Scabby Man
4.Cannibal Lust
7.My Lai
8.Intense Mortification
9.I Work For The Streetcleaner
10.Heart Of Illinois
11.Trap Them And Kill Them
12.Sinister Urge
13.Staph Terrorist
14.Harbinger Of Death
16.Red Wigglers
17.My Lai
18.Wizard Of Gore
19.Dear Uncle Creepy
20.Defiling The Grave
21.Venereal Warts / The Belch
22.***** Death Teenage Mucous Monster From Hell
24.Jane Fonda Sucks
25.Bloody Pit Of Horror
26.Cannibal Ballet
27.Breakfast At The Manchester Morgue
28.My Lai