EPMD 2 (feat. Eminem & EPMD)

Bucket on low like Erick and Parrish
帽檐拉低 就像Erick和Parrish一样(二者为嘻哈团体EPMD的成员)
Closed casket flow, all you get deaded
棺材板封死 献上这flow 你们都在劫难逃
They don't give you one single rose while you can smell it
弥留之际 他们不会给你献上玫瑰 哪怕一朵
So I pick from my own garden (Garden)
所以 我从自家花园折
Wanna go out in my garden like Godfather
就像《教父》 想走进我的花圃
Grandkids and a Rottweiler got over the block trauma (Yeah, trauma)
孙辈们和一只罗威纳犬 历经坎坷路
So what you sayin', You gots to chill (Uh-huh)
所以你在扯什么 最好去一边凉快吧
Thinkin' you the truth, really you not for real (EPMD!)
你自以为全说的真话 其实都是鬼话
Back to back with it, the hardest shit of the year (Nasir Jones, remix)
携手本年度最厉害的歌手王者归来 (Nasir Jones混音)
EPMD, we back in business
EPMD 我们强势回归(Back to Business出自原曲“EPMD”)
Ain't nobody with us, come to your senses (Uh)
没人敢与我们叫板 清醒点
P is the second comin' of God, somеthin' to witness
P(Parrish Smith)如上帝再临 一起来亲眼目睹
Piece of shit, fly on your hеad like Mike Pence's, we in the trenches
你脑子里有什么玩意儿在盘旋 如同Mike Pence发言时苍蝇来光顾
I'm mad, better yet, I'm on a rampage
咬牙切齿 我就要横冲直撞 我们身处第一现场
My people can't even get minimum wage
A stimulus (Uh), give me some interest (Uh)
经济刺激给我滚一边 给我利钱
Give me a loan (Oh), give me a home
给我贷款 给我一套房
Give me that land you owe me so I can roam
给我你欠我的那片土地 让我能四处逛
So when you trespass, blaow, one in your dome
所以要是敢闯入 枪声一响 把你的脑瓜一枪射爆
Best wishes, ghost 'em like he Tommy
祝你好运 像Tommy一样尾随他们(Tommy和外号为Ghost的James为美剧《权欲》主角,由50 Cent制片)
Ain't worried 'bout nothing 'cause Hit Squad behind me
无须担心 因为有Hit Squad做身后盾
EPMD, we back in business
EPMD 我们强势回归
I visualize what it is, not what it isn't
我构想真实的存在 而非虚无缥缈
We at the mafia table next to the kitchen
我们与黑手党 齐聚厨房旁的餐桌上
Eatin' Michelin Stars, countin' a million
嘴里享用米其林星级美食 手上数着百万大钞
Dun! I let it go for the family, meetin's at Cote in Miami
我为家庭会议上做起甩手掌柜 人在迈阿密Cote酒店
Them wine bottles on maggie, extra large
Sign up for my masterclass, Escobar
报名我的大师课 就像Escobar一样(美剧《毒枭》原型为大毒枭Pablo Escobar)
Feet up at Mets Stadium at my restaurant
在Mets Stadium开起餐馆
Tied in from AZ to Dave East
从 AZ 到 Dave East
You know my thoughts get crazy
My teachers, they couldn't grade me
I know some Haitians in Dade County, got choppers in Haiti
She booked a flight to Colombia, made her body amazin'
她订机票飞到哥伦比亚 我把她调教得身姿曼妙
Just to post it on Tumblr, this that " up the summer" shit
只为传到汤不热上 这个夏天注定不妙
I don't care what you comin' with, me and Hit-Boy runnin' shit (Runnin' shit)
我不在乎你和谁一道 我和Hit-Boy席卷八荒
Big gold, rope chains, but they flooded now (Yeah, flooded now)
大把钞票 粗金链条 但这些泛滥得让人烦恼
Pull up with the Ghost like a haunted house (Haunted house)
开着劳斯莱斯古斯特 如从鬼屋出场
She gettin' scary, blood on my hands like Carrie
她让我鲜血满手 可怖不已 就像魔女嘉莉一样(Carrie被蓄意选为舞会皇后 加冕时全身被淋满猪血)
Might walk through a cemetery to see where hip-hop is buried
也许会穿过墓地 看看嘻哈音乐的坟场
I said it was dead, but it faked its death like Machiavelli
我口头宣布嘻哈已死 但就像Machiavelli的假死 全是假象(意大利哲学家和政治家Niccolò Machiavelli,此处指2 Pac)
You see letters in red splatter, look like sauce and spaghetti
飞溅的血色文字 看上去就像是意大利面的酱汁
(Yeah, ready?)
EPMD, we're back in business (What?)
EPMD 我们强势回归
Livin' in cramped conditions, will give you ammunition
生活环境脏乱差 我们会给你提供弹药
I stock those shelves, I got those shells like Taco Bell and I'm not gon' fail
没有弹药? 我的弹壳比Taco Bell的卷饼壳还多 我注定不会失败(shell双关)
I got no L's (Noels) like Christmas, you don't wanna make the claws (Claus) come out (Nah)
在圣诞节 我所向披靡/没有圣诞颂歌/没有精灵伴我(elves精灵/no l's即no loss生涯中没有损失/NOELS圣诞歌名 欧洲圣诞歌曲多以NOELS等为名) 你不想让圣诞老人现身/利爪探出(Claus/claws爪子)
Y'all should call yourselves Santa (Why?) 'cause none of y'all are real (Nah)
你们就该自称圣诞老头 原因就是 你们一个个都太虚伪
Not a 'single one' (Like what?), like a dollar bill (Yeah)
没有一个实在踏实 就像是仅剩一美元 穷困可怜
Just like your in appellate court, she's on a pill (Appeal)
就像是你的妞 在上诉法庭出现 她吞下药片/她来上诉(a pill/appear上诉)
We got her a 'bond' and she'll
Never 'bail' on me (Bail on me), not even outta jail (Haha, jail)
她永远不会离我而去 即使我身陷囹圄/她永远不会保释我 把我留在监狱(bail双关)
EPMD, but me, I gots no chill (Ch-chill)
EPMD 我可不会畏惧
Just a lotta skrill
Lady, my paper's so crazy, I just tossed a mil' out the window of my mobile
女人 我钱多的不要不要 一百万美元随便扔出车窗
On the freeway on the way here (Yeah)
Like Rudolph and his homies when they pullin' the sleigh, yeah
就像鲁道夫和他伙伴们一起拉着雪橇(Rudolph 为圣诞老人拉雪橇的驯鹿)
That's a lot of bucks flyin' when I'm makin' it rain, dear
一大堆钞票/一大群鹿在空中飞舞 当我撒出大把钱雨(bucks 美元/雄鹿)(rain dear/reindeer驯鹿)(rain/ring总冠军戒指?)
Green on me but no weed, shorty, just these, darling
我身上带点绿 但不是烟叶的绿
A pocket full of pills, some are Tylenol 3s, prolly two or three Molly
口袋里都是药 两三片泰诺 也许还有莫莉些许
So some are E (Summary), which reminds me of "Rap Summary," mami
这个夏夜让我想起Rap Summary(指Big Daddy Kane的歌)
My theme song, me and "P" always used to play that shit on repeat all day
这即是我的主题曲 我和Proof过去整天单曲循环
So please call me "Big Daddy" (Daddy)
所以请叫我Big Daddy
Plus I got the Kane (Cane) and "Lean On Me" (Yeah)
MCs, I'm eatin' you B-I-T-C-H's like tortilla chips
我要把MC们一个个嚼碎吞下 就像墨西哥玉米片一样
Me, I'm free of debt, yeah, green is on Chia Pet (Woo)
而我 我无债一身轻 在草头娃娃上也能种出钞票
This is the effects of my old neighborhood misery index
这是我的旧邻对我的影响 痛苦指数
Poverty at its peak, OCD and PTSD, I guess
穷困状况 都在峰值 我想还有强迫症和PTSD
R.I.P. out to DMX, Stezo E and Nipsey
安息吧 DMX Jeez Louis
Ecstasy and Prince Markie Dee, MF DOOM, I hit 50 via text
以及MC Ecstasy Prince Markie Dee和MF DOOM 我发短信给50 Cent
Told him that I love him 'cause I don't even know when I'ma see him next (Nah)
告诉他 我很爱他 因为下次什么时候见面还没着落
Tomorrow could be your death (Bring that beat back)
Yeah, and this shit ain't for the faint
'Cause the brain's illa trained killer, danger, deranged
因为大脑已失去理智 训练有素的杀手 危险至极 精神错乱
And I drank all the DayQuil (Yeah) I blank on the paper
我把感冒药一饮而尽 我就像是一张白纸
Then wait 'til the page fill up (What?)
Hate spiller, shameful the strength of a pain pill or tranq'
仇恨 因剧痛而满怀羞愧
I just pray for the day when I'm able to say that I'm placed with the greats
祈祷在某一天我能当之无愧地宣告 我与大佬们并驾齐驱
And my name's with the Kane's and the Wayne's, and the Jay's and the Dre's
我的名字与Big Daddy Kane,Lil Wayne和Jay Z
And the Ye's, and the Drake's and the J Dilla's, Jada's, Cool J's
以及Dr. Dre Yes和Drake,还有J Dillas David Jude,Jolicoeur和LL Cool J并列
And the Ra's and amazin' as Nas is, and praise to the Gods of this
当然还有Nas 感谢上帝
Shout to the golden age of Hip-Hop and the name of this song is
为嘻哈音乐的黄金年代沸腾欢呼 这首歌就叫做
EPMD, we back in business
EPMD 我们强势回归
I visualize what it is, not what it isn't
我构想真实的存在 而非虚无缥缈
We at the mafia table next to the kitchen
我们与黑手党 齐聚厨房旁的餐桌上
Eatin' Michelin Stars, countin' a million
嘴里享用米其林星级美食 手上数着百万大钞
1.Brunch on Sundays (feat. Blxst)
2.No Phony Love (feat. Charlie Wilson)
4.Nobody (feat. Ms. Lauryn Hill)
5.EPMD 2 (feat. Eminem & EPMD)
7.Nas is Good
8.The Pressure
9.My Bible
10.Death Row East
11.YKTV (feat. A Boogie Wit da Hoodie & YG)
12.Composure (feat. Hit-Boy)
13.Count Me In
14.40 Side
15.Store Run