Red Bellows of flame have blackened my stones
Convulsing my frame and cracking my bones
Hell's dragons of steel who roar in their chains
Crawl into my caves to suck out my veins
I've split the sky ten million years
And I've been called a hundred different names
I know the stories of the wind
I've argued with the thunder and the rain...
Till eagles flew from Urizen
Revealing how my mother's
face was horribly changed
By the apes...
When once shepherds dined the diamond
worm screams
And the ash of my pine is choking my streams
"O-Yama-Tsu-Mi" I invoke your name
But "O-Yama-Tsu-Mi" lay broken and ill
By the plight and the pain of his mountains
and hills
By his waterfall weeps
Once again...