When I was young
I went to an abandoned house
In one of the rooms
I found an old piano
I didn't know how to play piano
So I just fumbled across the keys
Pressed the pedals down
I sat there for hours
Trying to understand how to
Construct a melody
My brain to my finger tips
And after a while
I hit three notes together
At the same time
Let's try it
Can you hear me now
Am I invisible to you
Out of the blue now
Out of the blue now
Can you hear me now
Am I invisible to you
Get in the mind shaft
Can it be can it be
Can it be can it be
Ah ah ah ah
Can you hear me now
Get in the mind shaft
Get in the mind shaft
Come inside
Come inside
Can you hear me now
Deep inside me now
Ah ah ah ah
Get in the mind shaft
Can you hear me now