Burrow - Artemis's Orkestar Night Klub

Welcome to here, coming to this theater at tonight.
Well, What do you drink? Whisky? Do you choose which the brand?
To come visit here Come on. Please talk to me your story.
Let have fun with me in a all night long.
We will wait for you forever, with a welcome cordial forever.
We step the dance. Forget the time. 1 2 1 2 Good at footsie.
We will dance with you forever.
You intend to go home? The road at night is very cold.
It was a wonderful talking, it is like glass turned to diamond.
Have a wonderful dreaming. Thanks for your visit. Good night.
See you in next night. Let's dance again next time.
We will wait for you forever, with a welcome cordial forever.
いらっしゃいませ ようこそ この劇場へ
さて何を飲まれますか? ウイスキー? 銘柄はいかがなさいますか?
こちらへいらして お話を聞きたいわ
今宵 一緒に楽しみましょう
私たちはいつまでも変わらぬおもてなしで いつまでもお待ちしております
ステップを踏んで 時間を忘れる ワン トゥ ワン トゥ あんよは上手
お帰りですか? 夜道はとても冷えますよ
居らしてくださってありがとうございます よい夢をお楽しみください
また次の夜にいらして また一緒に踊りましょう
私たちはいつまでも変わらぬおもてなしで いつまでもお待ちしております
1.Nestling in the Morning Glow
2.Hail Me
3.The Jealous of the Devil
4.A Boat Is Out of Sight
5.Burrow - Artemis's Orkestar Night Klub
6.With the Strangely Strange Shadows
7.Postcards Holiday
8.A Life Is That Bygone Days
9.The Gold into the Sun
10.Souvener Memories