A Boat Is Out of Sight

from avenue. walk a little distance.
You'll perceive a water fragrance
of the river. walk along there.
a dead leaf boat on surface of the river.
Would be boat reach to the sea?
While listening to the babble
of the river. walk along river.
a dead leaf boat has proceed to the sea.
it went out of sight.
A boat is gone to out of sight.
大通りから 少しばかり歩くと
君は 河の水の匂いに気付く
水のせせらぎを聴いて 流れに沿って歩く
1.Nestling in the Morning Glow
2.Hail Me
3.The Jealous of the Devil
4.A Boat Is Out of Sight
5.Burrow - Artemis's Orkestar Night Klub
6.With the Strangely Strange Shadows
7.Postcards Holiday
8.A Life Is That Bygone Days
9.The Gold into the Sun
10.Souvener Memories