When I'm gone David Roth
There's no place in this world where I'll belong when I'm gone
当我离开 这片土地再没有我的容身之处
I won't know the right from the wrong when I'm gone
当我离开 我就再也不能明辨那黑白对错
you won't find me singing on this song when I'm gone
当我离开 你将不会知道我如此轻轻吟唱
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
I won't feel the flowing of the time when I'm gone
当我离开 我将再不能感受这时间的流淌
All the pleasures of love will not be mine when I'm gone
当我离开 我将再不能感受所有爱与欢愉
My pen won't pour a lyric line when I'm gone
当我离开 我的笔下再无法流泻歌词篇章
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
I won't breathe the bracing air when I'm gone
当我离开 我再也无法呼吸着新鲜的空气
I can't even worry about my cares when I'm gone
当我离开 我再也无法关注那些我喜欢的
Won't be asked to do my share when I'm gone
当我离开 我再也不用听别人的指手画脚
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
And I won't be running from the rain when I'm gone
当我离开 大雨滂沱里没有我的身影
And I can't even suffer from the pain when I'm gone
当我离开 我甚至再也不用忍受痛苦
There's nothing I can loss or I can gain when I'm gone
当我离开 所以得与失又于我如何呢
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
I won't see the golden of the sun when I'm gone
当我离开 我再也无法看到金色的骄阳
And the evening and morning will be one when I'm gone
当我离开 黑夜与白日该是无甚区别吧
Can't be singing loud than the guns when I'm gone
当我离开 再也不能像这样放声歌唱了
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
All my days won't be dances of dilight when I'm gone
当我离开 我的人生再也不会欢快起舞
And the sense will be shifting from my sight when I'm gone
当我离开 这些情感如走马灯一般过往
Can ded my name until the fight when I'm gone
当我离开 吵架也不会叫出我的名字吧
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
I won't be laughing at the light when I'm gone
当我离开 灯下我再也不能开怀大笑
And I can't question how or where or while when I'm gone
当我离开 我再不能对未知发出疑问
Can't live proud enough to die when I'm gone
当我离开 再不能活得漂亮死得辉煌
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
所以 我想我应该抓住今天的大好时光
There's no place in this world where I'll belong when I'm gone
当我离开 这片土地再没有我的容身之处
I won't know the right from the wrong when I'm gone
当我离开 我就再也不能明辨那黑白对错
you won't find me singing on this song when I'm gone
当我离开 你将不会知道我如此轻轻吟唱
So I guess I have to do
所以 我想我应该
I guess I have to do
I guess I have to do it when I'm here
1.The Dutchman
2.I Will
3.Last Thing on My Mind
4.Don Quixote
5.Blowin'in the Wind
6.Would You Like to Learn to Dance?
7.Streets of London
8.Song for You Far Away
9.Song for Adam
10.You've Got a Friend
11.American Tune
12.The Great Mandala
13.When I'm Gone
14.Where Have All the Flowers Gone?