I'll meet you instantly, do everything I can
我会拼尽全力 只为能马上见到你
Till I imitate the movies stars, just speak up with your friends
我会模仿那些电影明星 来跟你的朋友谈天论地
Now I'm not one for show
Yeah I never make a scene
But suddenly I'm nothing like the way I am normally
但突然之间 我整个人都变得不正常了
因为我知道 如果你选择了我
'Cause I know I could love you the most
If I were the one you chose
You wouldn't ever have to walk alone, yeah
There is not a thing I wouldn't do
If I lived my life for you
我们本可以拥有一切 因为我了解你
We could have everything because I know you
直到错过 才懂得珍惜
Never know what you have till it's gone
你从没在意 你所拥有的一切
No you never know what you have
我们的爱本可以羡煞旁人 别的情侣看见我们都会低头走过
Yeah we probably have the kind of love that makes other couples blush
So we could make up words that make no sense
But oh they mean so much
我知道 你是如此优秀 各种男人都排队让你挑
I know you're the kind of girl who could have any guy
所以 就算我不得不在此排队等候 我也心甘情愿
So if I have to, I don't have a problem waiting here in line
因为我知道 如果你选择了我
我会成为 那个最爱你的人
'Cause I know I could love you the most
If I were the one you chose
You wouldn't ever have to walk alone, yeah
And there is not a thing I wouldn't do
我们本可以拥有一切 因为我了解你
If I lived my life for you
只有失去了 才懂得珍惜
Yeah we could have everything because I know you
你不知道 你曾经拥有的一切
Never know what you have till it's gone
你不在意 直到一切消失不见
No you never know what you have
你不知道 有个男人是多么的爱你
You never know what you have till it's gone
No you never know what you have
为了你 我赴汤蹈火
Yeah I know I could love you the most
为了你 我献出我的人生
If I were the one you chose
我们本可以拥有一切 我了解你
You wouldn't ever have to sleep alone
不要等一切都消失了 再来回忆往昔
Yeah, there is not a thing I wouldn't do
不要等爱耗尽了 才来挽留
If I lived my life for you
不要再错过爱 看看你身边
Yeah we could have everything because I know you
要知道 有个男人深爱着你
Never know what you have till it's gone
No you never know what you have
You never know what you have till it's gone
No you never know what you have
1.Summer Is Over
2.Maybe It's Over (Stripped & Unplugged)
3.Maybe It's Over
4.I'll Follow You
5.You Never Know
6.Without You Now
7.Without You Now (Stripped & Unplugged)
8.My Girl Tonight
9.These Crazy Times
10.What I Want (Stripped & Unplugged)
12.What I Want
13.Promising Promises
14.The Atmosphere
15.If Only I