He'd Send In The Army

The family's head gives orders
In the end, what he says goes
This system's well constructed
She owes him all she gets
The army has it's uses
In times of civil crisis
'Allo boys!Seen any action?
Hey boys, seen any...action?
Pull together with your mates
Against the common enemy
The Private's not born that way
The Private's not born that way
Guns take up all his time
With no job he'd be in a mess
Wanted action, gets some in
She pays him back in the bedroom
One step down from her leader
Obeys, or is punished
Like he obeys his bosses
1.Damaged Goods
2.I Found That Essence Rare
3.It's Her Factory
5.Love Like Anthrax
6.Natural's Not In It
8.Not Great Men
9.Return The Gift
10.Guns Before Butter
13.At Home He's a Tourist
14.Outside The Trains Don't Run On Time
15.He'd Send In The Army