Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
We reject what we don't understand
对难以理解的事物 我们表示排斥
We turn our backs on a fellow man
对昔日携手的伙伴 我们背道而驰
I wanna change, but my heart is bleedin'
想要去改变 但是我的心在淌血
Heart is hard, and can nobody can see me
铁石心肠 是为了不让外人窥见
I wanna be there for the ones that need me
I can't stand the pain I see on TV
电视里世人的苦难 我不忍直目
Jealous 'cause they wanna be me
他们想成为我 完全出于嫉妒
Damn it man, this life ain't easy
但他们不了解 我所承受的痛苦
It takes over me
Unforgiveness keeps control of mе
Damnit, I gotta get a hold of me
这样不行 我需要找回自我
Gotta get a hold of mе, oh
What you want out of life? That's the question
人人都该好好思考 究竟想要得到什么
This ain't a simulation, this a blessing
这不是虚情假意 我对你献上诚挚祝福
Is it a mistake or is it destine?
犯下的错误 或许是注定要走的弯路
We ain't got no time for second guessin'
保持前进 我们没有时间在原地踟蹰
We can't save ourselves, we need a savior
难以自救时 我们还有信仰指引
We ain't make ourselves, we need a maker
自我斗争时 外界其实也在将我们重塑
I keep failin' myself, I need somethin' new
我时常遭遇失败 我需要新的道路
So I lay my life down, I give it all to you
我放下我的骄傲 将生命交到你的手中
Give it all, give it all to you (I give it all to you)
Give it all to you, give it all (I give it all to you)
包括生命 毫无保留
Oh, oh
I came to the end of me, believin' the enemy
穷途末路 我被敌人所迷惑
Comin' with that "Mmm", man, you ain't a friend of me
情绪敏感 我无法信任身边的朋友
Nothing can fix that, ooh, not even the Hennessy
I had to switch it up, yeah, switch up the remedy
我需要换一种方法 来把自己拯救
God can you use some perfect people? (Oh)
上帝 请你去驱使那些完美的人吧
'Cause I'm broken through and through (Oh)
放弃我 因为我觉得我已没救
Just tell me where I need to go (Need to go)
'Cause that's all that I wanna do (All that I wanna do)
I'm a mess, but I'm tryna grow
一团乱麻 但我在尝试破茧而出
I'm upset, but I still wanna know
焦躁不安 但我没有放弃了解自我
Is there more for my life
我的生活 是否还有更多待我探索
Or is that all she wrote? (Is that all she wrote?)
Uh, is that all she wrote? (Is that all that she wrote?)
Is that all she wrote? (Is that all that she wrote?)
Is that all she wrote?
Thanks to all them Judas kisses, I got a masters in forgiveness
感谢神的恩典 我成为了一名宽容者
I don't need a jail system, I walk in conviction
牢狱不再能把我囚禁 我坚定地向着前方奔走
I rather pray to God, than pray for wishes
我不再许下愿望 而是单纯向神祷告
I'm supernatural, not superstitious, there's a difference
我不迷信 只是相信信仰的力量
Like relationship versus religion, that's a prison
用人际关系对抗信仰 这是一种罪过
I'm lightin' circle, then royal purple inside a prism
它们为何不能共存 我在心中描绘着蓝图
This flow is so universal, it came with dreams and visions
伴随着梦想和愿景 这种心流沟通你我
I got the keys to the kingdom, I'm 'bout my father business
我踏上了正确的通路 我们都是上帝的造物
I came up straight from the bottom, I started from the finish
我从底层向上攀爬 我从当下往前追溯
You can't undermine a mastermind
真正坚定的意志 无人可以动摇
I may be out of your mind, but I ain't out of mine
我也许不被世人理解 但我忠于我的内心
I'm co-crucified, burry, resurrected
即使是被审判 被埋葬 我的精神依然不灭
And perfected in the son of God
在神的光辉下 我变得完美
Just like water turn to wine, I'm a prophetic sign
点石成金 我便是那预兆
Ask your barber, I'ma headliner in New York Times
你的理发师都知道 我是纽约时报的头条
My life verses, I am hers, yeah, and he is mine
我的生命都在吟唱 赞美爱与信仰
The great "I am's", the greatest lamb of all time
将自己交予他人 是最终极的奉献
Rebranded, redesigned and redefined
你将被重新改写 定义 与塑造
From Brandon to brand new
I'ma brand name in the household, brand too
将会以崭新的形象 家喻户晓
Who are you to tryin to tell me what I can't do? We need a proof, huh?
你没有权利来定义我不能做什么 需要什么
You ever ask yourself "Am I gonna make it?"
不如换位思考 去问自己 "换我能做的如何"
Well, I don't know, of course I can fake it
我当然可以虚张声势 欺骗自己
But honestly, can not go wrong
I'm so tired, I'm so broken, I'm so weary
当我怠惰 心碎 疲态尽显
Oh, God, oh, God
1.Where You Go I Follow
3.Where Do I Fit In
4.We’re In This Together
5.Afraid To Say
6.All She Wrote