You came into my life and tried to do me wrong
你闯进我的生活 为非作歹
So in return for that I have sent you this song
这大恩大德 我就写首歌报答你吧
It tells you what I think and how I feel about you
So take a seat and listen up 'cos every single word is true
坐稳了 听好了 这可是字字真言
******** you're such a ********
呆头 你个呆头
And everybody knows it everyone but you
You're a ******** I hope you'll soon be dead
你个呆头 我只愿你早日圆寂
And this is payback time for what you put me through
君子报仇 正是此刻
The way you behaved was a total disgrace
I'd never grow tired of punching your face
You think that putting me down lifts you higher
I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire
You think you're better than me well you're not my friend
你觉得自己要上天了 我们连朋友都算不上
I'll get further in life than you in the end
看着吧 我会笑到最后的
You're nothing you're worthless just dirt on my shoe
你一文不值 只是我鞋上的泥点儿
Wherever you go whatever you do people will sing this song to you
你走吧 你造吧 人人都会这样对你唱
******** you're such a ********
呆头 你个呆头
And everybody knows it everyone but you
You're a ******** I hope you'll soon be dead
你个呆头 祝你早日圆寂
And this is payback time for what you put me through
君子报仇 正是此刻
God will punish you 'cos you reap what you sow
老天爷会惩罚你的 叫你自食其果
You're a vile individual from head to toe
Nasty to the bone unpleasant to the core
I shall drink champagne when you are no more
待我来日痛饮香槟 你就自饮苦痛吧
If I never see your face again that's too soon
I've never met anyone so suited to this tune
I hope your friends desert you and your health is poor
This is what I think you are 1 2 3 4
******** you're such a ********
呆头 你个呆头
And everybody knows it everyone but you
You're a ******** I hope you'll soon be dead
你个呆头 趁早圆寂吧
And this is payback time for what you put me through
君子报仇 正是此刻
I wouldn't even give you the steam from my piss
As far as I'm concerned you can swivel on this
按鄙人所见 你大可原地旋转
You're simply jealous of me but I couldn't care less
你对我的嫉妒 我除了无视还是无视
Cos I have all the qualities you'll never possess
I'd hate to go through life as you 247
'Cos people like you don't end up in heaven
You will rot in hell that's where you belong
And when you get there they'll be singing this song
地狱门口 人们朝着你列队欢唱
You're a ******** such a ********
呆头 你个呆头
And everybody knows it everyone but you
You're a ******** we're all glad you're dead
你个呆头 若你圆寂当是皆大欢喜
And so is everyone that you ever knew
******** you're such a ********
呆头 滚圆的呆头
And everybody knows it everyone but you
You're a ******** everybody's said
你个呆头 大家都是这样说的
I hope you liked the song so screw you
1.The ****head Song
2.When They Fight They Fight
3.Sky on Fire (Eo17 Remix)
4.Nadine's Theme
5.Save Me
6.Somebody Else
7.Hard Luck
8.Who I Thought You Were
9.Ghost in the Wind
10.To Build a Home
11.The Hug
12.Am I Wrong
13.Ballroom Blitz
14.When I'm Small
16.Bad Decisions
17.Big Jet Plane
18.Don't You Wait
19.Genghis Khan