The Lovers Are Losing

I dreamed I was drowning in the river Thames
我梦到 我正被泰晤士河水吞没
[03:00.43][02:52.30][00:41.44][00:25.16]I dreamed I had nothing at all, nothing but my own skin
[03:00.43][02:52.30][00:41.44][00:25.16]我梦到 我一无所有 目之所及只有自己的肌肤
I dreamed I was drifting on a howling wind
我梦到 咆哮的风把我吹走
Slipped away from your open hands into the river
Saw your face looking back at me
仿佛看到了你的脸 望着我
I saw my past and I saw my future
仿佛看到了我的过去 还有我的未来
[03:22.95][02:17.26][01:07.93]You take the pieces of the dreams that you have
[03:22.95][02:17.26][01:07.93]你带走了你拥有的梦 零零碎碎
[03:26.74][02:21.86][01:12.12]'Cause you don't like the way they seem to be going
[03:30.93][02:25.59][01:16.21]You cut them up and spread them out on the floor
[03:30.93][02:25.59][01:16.21]你把它们弄成碎片 让它们散落一地
[03:34.91][02:29.63][01:20.14]You're full of hope as you begin rearranging
[03:39.04][02:33.71][01:24.32]Put it all back together
[02:37.89][01:28.40]But anyway you look at things
[03:48.22][02:42.87][01:33.25]Looks like the lovers are losing
[03:48.22][02:42.87][01:33.25]你看着它们 仿佛爱人已去
I dreamed I was watching the young lover's dance
在梦中 我看到年轻时的我们在舞蹈
I reached out to touch your hand but I was watching from a distance
我伸出手想触摸你的头发 但我却只能在远处观望
We cling to love like a skidding car clings to a corner
我们如此相爱 但却像一辆打滑的车 甩向拐角
I try to hold on to what we are, the more I squeeze the quicker we are over
我竭力保持 却发现 抓得越紧 我们离得越远
I dreamed I had nothing at all
在梦中 我一无所有 什么都没有
But in the final reckoning
2.The Lovers Are Losing
5.4 Minutes
6.Feels Like Tonight
7.Breathing Your Love
8.I Kissed A Girl
9.What Have I Done
11.Next Plane Home
13.Nu När Du Har Gått
15.Nåt För Dom Som Väntar
16.Keeps Getting Better
17.Make It Mine
18.Silly Really
19.Handlake Village
20.A Million Candles Burning
21.This Is The Life
22.The World Should Revolve Around Me
23.Stronger Than Jesus
24.If He Should Ever Leave You
25.Love You Anyway
26.What's Your Name
27.Johnny Cash & Nina P
28.Innan Allt Försvinner
29.Du Får Inte
30.The Markoolio Anthem
31.So What
32.Top Of The World
33.If You Don't Mean It
34.Walking Away
35.Miss Independent
36.On And On
39.Jag Vet Inte Vem Jag Är Men Jag Vet Att Jag Är Din
41.Stumble To Fall