Hogwash and Balderdash

Hogwash and Balderdash, chickens from the pen
Are coming down the rivers of Salafessien
Are picking out fish bones on unstable rafts
And checking every angle, every foliage gap
"I can't keep this speed, the sun is too much"
"Oh, Balderdash settle! You've just lost the touch"
This Hogwash he stood, and he licked fingers clean
While mocking his comrades
Admits to defeat
He kicked, he scolded
Pulled on low cheeks
Hogwash and Balderdash, chickens from the pen
Surveying the beaches of Salafessien
Are picking out the pebbles and throwing them ashore
Are checking every second for men of the law
Hogwash stops and stares at the floor
"From where comes this stench that can't be ignored?"
Lucky for Balder, his sweat escapes view
This being origin of the aromatic stew
Which led to the following bellow of "Phew!"
With his right on his nose, Hog's left hand claps Balder
Across his bare scalp as if to extract
His brain, thought submissive, that inside grows bolder...
1.Hogwash and Balderdash
3.John L
5.Diamond Stuff
6.Chondromalacia Patella
7.Ascending Forth
8.Marlene Dietrich