Give Our Dreams Their Wings to Fly

Walking down the sidewalk, kickin my feet
沿着人行道走下去 随着我的脚韵动
As I’m movin’ to the music, step to the beat
当我衷情音乐时 踏着节奏
I, woke up today, and canceled my plans
今天我醒来 取消了我的计划
And I stepped right outside, with my guitar in my hands
在外迈着步伐 吉他在我手中
And the notes became alive, as the sound caressed the air
调子变得活跃起来 音乐爱抚着空气
And I kicked it up a notch, as I strolled without a care
踢起了一个凹痕 在我漫步时不小心
Cause I’m going down the road,to a brand new place
因为我将沿着路一直走下去 在新地方打上烙印
And I’ll get there With a smile on my face, yeah
我将脸上带着微笑到达这儿 耶~
So lift me up, I’m moving on
所以 鼓舞我吧! 我正在行进
Singin and dancin’, while I play my song
唱着歌 跳着舞 弹着我的曲子
Yeah, I’m having a good time, keepin it going
耶~我会过得很开心 继续行进
Come on clap your hands and won’t you sing along
来吧!拍起你的手 不用独自歌唱
And now lets take it up high, high, high
现在 让我们把手高高举起 高高地 高高地
Give our dreams their wings to fly
Gotta keep the fire, and keep the fire burnin’
点上篝火 让火持续燃烧
Keep the hope alive, you gotta keep it turning
使希望保持活力 使其一直转动
Feel the music from your head, to your toes, to your shoes
感受着音乐从你头到你的脚趾 到你的鞋子
Kick em off, and take a deep breath, and shake off the blues
踢掉它 并做一个深呼吸 摆脱掉布鲁斯的忧郁
This is a brand new day,that you can pave the way
这是新烙印地第一天 你可以为其铺条道
Because everything is possible, shout and say, “Hey, hey”
因为事事皆有可能 大喊并说“嘿~嘿~”
I got it goin, I got it going on and
我做到了 我做到了
Keep on pushin up and, I’ll march and move along and
保持向上 我将前进行走
Good things all around, now that I look I can see
周围都是美好的事物 现在我能看见
And they said it wouldn’t happen to me, yeah, yeah,
他们说那些事不会发生在我身上 耶~耶~耶
So take your hands and throw em up, yeah, put em up high
所以 动起你的手 举得高高地 耶~ 把双手举得高高地
And clap it up and dance it out, up until your ready to fly
然后拍手 跳舞 直到你准备起飞
Turn the music, turn it up, just a little to loud
打开音乐 音量调大 就一点点大
If you’re alone, dance like there’s a crowd
如果你孤单 那就像大伙儿一样跳舞吧!
And keep it goin every day, every day till the night
每天保持上进 每个白天到夜晚
From when you first see the sun, until the stars show their light
从你看见阳光起 直到星星闪闪发光
No, not a care in the world, not a worry for me
不 不用在乎世界 不用担心我
I tell ya this is what it’s like to be free
我告诉过 这就是自由
So lift me up, I’m moving on
所以 激励我吧 我正在行进
Singin and dancin’, while I play my song
唱着歌 跳着舞 弹着我的歌
Yeah, I’m having a good time, keepin it going
耶~我会过得开心 继续保持
Come on clap your hands and won’t you sing along
来吧!拍着你的手 不用独自歌唱
And now lets take it up high, high, high
现在 让我们把手高高举起 高高地 高高地
Give our dreams their wings to fly
Gotta keep the fire, and keep the fire burnin’
点上篝火 让火持续燃烧
Keep the hope alive, you gotta keep it turning
使希望充满活力 使其一直转动
So lift me up, I’m moving on
所以 激励我吧 我正在行进
Singin and dancin’, while I play my song
唱着歌 跳着舞 弹着我的歌
Yeah, I’m having a good time, keepin it going
耶~我会过得很开心 保持行进
Come on clap your hands and won’t you sing along
来吧 拍起你的手 你不用独自歌唱
And now lets take it up high, high, high
现在 让我们把手高高举起 高高地 高高地
Give our dreams their wings to fly
Gotta keep the fire, and keep the fire burnin’
点上篝火 让火持续燃烧
Keep the hope alive, you gotta keep it turning
让希望充满活力 使其一直转动
1.Life Is Beautiful
2.Give Our Dreams Their Wings to Fly
3.We're Going Up
5.Fall in Love Again
6.She's Fire Walking
7.New Year's Song
9.It's a Beautiful Day
10.Big Dreams to Take over the World
11.Alive in the Summer Time (feat. Khaili McMorris)
12.Shape the World
13.Love on Fire