"This night is cold," he said
“今晚 夜色凉如水”,他说
As he turned from the dark and moved towards the amber light that glowed ahead
自昏暗中走出 他向着前方的灯火而行 琥珀色的灯火
"I'll come along," she spoke
Her eyes remaining on the snow that collected softly in her palm
目光却停在 掌心轻握的雪
And with that, she watched her imprint grow
就这么看着 痕迹攀延
As seven bright stars lined up all in a row
看着七颗明亮的星子 排成一行
"See, they were once like you
They climbed the valley walls
溪谷崖壁间 攀越
To hear the mountains' tales of unheard truths
倾听那山的传说 那些不为人知的真理
But no one could have known
That they'd be taken one by one
它们 一个接一个
By force of greatness all
天地之力间 悉数 湮灭
They're just a moment too soon
一刹 太短
Or a second too late
一瞬 太长
They were nothing more than a moment too soon"
"But what of fate?" she cried
"Surely there is one who decides
“当然 冥冥之中自有定数
Which way the wind turns in the morn?"
"My darling girl," he said
"There is no reason and no rhyme for those we love and those we bid goodbye
“我们爱的人 我们告别的人 都没什么缘由
There is no reason and no rhyme
There is no reason, no alibi
没有原因 没有借口
For those we love and those we must bid goodbye
为我们爱的人 为我们不得不告别的人
There's just a moment too soon
只是 一刹太短
Or just a second to late
只是 一瞬太长
The phantom of warmth
温暖的幻象 错觉
An outline of sorts
Those moments too soon
一刹 太短
Or a second too late
一瞬 太长
Oh, sing to me of loss
哦 向我而歌 致失去的
There's just a moment too soon
只是 一刹太短
Or just a second too late
只是 一瞬太长
The phantom of warmth
温暖的幻象 错觉
An outline of sorts
Those souls that I've loved
我爱过的那些 灵魂
Those perfect ones
Oh, sing to me of loss"
哦 向我而歌 致逝去的
I wouldn't dare try
See, I know not of life and even less of loss
看 这不是为人生而唱的歌 也不是追悔的歌
So I wouldn't dare try
于是 我胆怯了
2.Told You
6.Heavy Steps
9.A Parting
10.Light Between the Leaves