When It Rains It Pours

Sunday morning, man, she woke up fighting mad
星期天的早晨 伙计 她醒来后十分纠结
*****ing and moaning on and on 'bout the time I had
她不停地呢喃 回想着过去的时光
And by Tuesday, you could say that girl was good as gone
到周二的时候你或许会说 那个好女孩早已一去不复返
And then when Thursday came around, I was all alone
接着到了周三的时候 我独自一人
[00:30.21]So I went for a drive to clear my mind, ended up at a Shell on I-65
驾着车去兜风 想要理清思绪 最终在65号洲际公路上停下
Then I won a hundred bucks on a scratch off ticket
驾着车去兜风 想要理清思绪 最终在65号洲际公路上停下
Bought two twelve packs and a tank of gas with it
She swore they were a waste of time, oh, but she was wrong
而赚来的钱买了一打啤酒 并把我的车加满油
I was caller number 5 on the radio station
她曾发誓 和他们只是玩玩而已 噢 可她错了
Won a 4-day, 3-night beach vacation
Deep sea, senorita, fishing down in Panama
最终成为幸运听众 赢得了四天三夜的海滩之旅
And I ain't gotta see my ex future mother-in-law anymore
Oh, Lord, when it rains it pours
可惜还并为遇见 我孩子的妈妈 我的合法妻子
Now she was sure real quick to up and apologize
噢 主啊 真是祸不单行
When she heard about my new found luck on that FM dial
此刻 她已迅速释怀 并向我道歉
And it's crazy how lately now it just seems to come in waves
当她在收音机上 听到我的好运时
What I thought was gonna be the death of me was my saving grace
最近 我的世界很疯狂 像是在惊涛骇浪中奋勇前进
It's got me thinking that her leaving is the only logical reason
我曾耿耿于怀 最终都随风飘散 或许这正是上帝赐予我的恩典
That I got the last spot in the Hooter's parking lot
我开始明白她的离去 是我好运到来时唯一合乎逻辑的解释
And the waitress left her number on my check with a heart
我参观完最后一个地点 进入我常光顾的猫头鹰餐厅
She picked up on the first ring when I gave her a call
一位女服务员 把她的电话号码写在一张小纸条上并画了个心 塞进我胸口的口袋
And I only spent five bucks at the Moose Club Raffle
当我给她打电话之时 才刚响了一声 她就立刻接听了
Won a used four-wheeler and three free passes
For me and two of my buddies to play a round of golf
赢了四美元 有三张没有中奖
And I ain't gotta see my ex future mother-in-law anymore
对我而言 这够我请两个伙计玩一局高尔夫了
Oh, Lord, when it rains it pours
When it rains it pours
噢 主啊 真是祸不单行
I've been on one hell of a redneck roll for three weeks now
And it all started on the day that she walked out
我曾一直折磨自己 三周过去了 现在我明白
Then I won a hundred bucks on a scratch off ticket
自从她的离去 从那一刻起 一切都如获新生
Bought two twelve packs and a tank of gas with it
She swore they were a waste of time, oh, but she was wrong
而赚来的钱买了一打啤酒 并把我的车加满油
And I was caller number 5 on the radio station
她曾发誓 和他们只是玩玩而已 噢 可她错了
Won a 4-day, 3-night beach vacation
Deep sea, senorita, fishing down in Panama
And I ain't gotta see my ex future mother-in-law anymore
Oh, Lord, when it rains it pours
可惜还并未遇见 我孩子的妈妈 我的岳母
When it rains it pours
噢 主啊 真是祸不单行
1.Out There
2.Memories Are Made Of
3.Beer Can
4.Don't Tempt Me
5.This One's for You
6.I Got Away with You
7.Honky Tonk Highway
8.When It Rains It Pours
10.Be Careful What You Wish For
11.Lonely One
12.One Number Away