Arrangement: Aya~亞夜罪~
Original music: 物言わぬ獣の霊
Lyrics: 郵狸
Vocal: 郵狸
Mixing, Mastering: 莲汰-AiTeN
Covered by the shade of moon. 为暗月的阴翳所笼络
She came with no clean record to every frailty. 来往无踪无纪 她就此遁入神志的弱点
Explicit enough for her hunting party. 如此明晰 皆为她的猎宴而备
Indeed, my willful blindness... downfall the establishments... 诚然 我刻意的盲目 使我落入业已构织的局中
Intoxicated by the ecstasy as she whisper to me. 予以耳语之时 令我耽溺于这份眩惑之间
"I'll meet you in the depth". “于深渊再会”
So disoriented the words you speak. 因而堕入你的只言片语所织就的迷惘之中
Brings out that oxymoron I never see. 这一切 皆以我从未见得的逆喻之法显露
Can't reconcile my finite and their eternity. 我既定的“存在” 与其“永恒” 注定无法协调
Overun in nihil. 于虚无之中汹涌
There's no one stands still. 然此本无永恒之物事
Overun in fire. 于烈焰之中汹涌
No remedy, and I feel nothing at all. 无可挽回 我亦未尝感知
Don't eradicate discordants here. 无以根绝此处之失谐
Where comes the stress crashes with divinity. 不知源来的压力 与神性倾轧一处
The gravity of my infidelity. 源自背信之心的引力
They define the borders around me. 将我四周的境界划分
Every trade, I feel my price drained. 每经“易换”,我的“价值”便更尽一分。
I'll taste that bitter end. 我将品味那份苦痛而终
Submit, to be consumed. 顺从于此,尔后沦为“消耗品”吧
As you wished. 正如你所愿
Over and over again! 堕入这无休轮回!
So disoriented the words you speak. 因而堕入你的只言片语所织就的迷惘之中
Brings out that oxymoron I never see. 这一切 皆以我从未见得的逆喻之法显露
Can't reconcile my finite and their eternity. 我既定的“存在” 与其“永恒” 注定无法协调
The fault wasn't mine, the fault wasn't mine. 既非我罪咎 又与我何干
There's nothing I can see in shifting tides. 在漫涌的浪潮之间 堕入视界的空无
Supplication, intruders of the masquerade. 恳切希望,这场舞会的不速之客们
Violate supremacy. 可堪受命 反抗“强权”
Every trade, I feel my price drained. 每经“易换”,我的“价值”便更尽一分。
I'll taste that bitter end. 我将品味那份苦痛而终
Submit, to be consumed. 顺从于此,尔后沦为“消耗品”吧
As you wished. 正如你所愿
Every trade, I feel my price drained. (Your Antidote)每经“易换”,我的“价值”便更尽一分。(这便是你的“解毒剂”)
I'll taste that bitter end. 我将品味那份苦痛而终
Submit, to be consumed. (To no avail.) 顺从于此,尔后沦为“消耗品”吧(直至殆尽)
As you wished. 正如你所愿
Every single time we misunderstand. 每当我等误解之时
Self-satisfications make me your saint. 自我救赎 便令尔等神圣
Every single time we misunderstand. 每当我等误解之时
Self-satisfications make me your saint. 自我救赎 便将尔等封圣