Thing's all right and she's all too tight
一切如常 她总是醉醺醺的
In my neighborhood she cries both day and night
I know it because I was there
我知道 是因为我当时在场
It's a milestone but she's down on her luck again
And she's daily salooning about to make her hard earned buck
I was there
I believe where she'd stop him if she wants time to care
I believe that she'd look upon beside him to care
And I'd go by the Lord and when she's on my way
But I don't belong there
No, I don't belong to her, I don't belong to anybody
不 我不属于她 也不属于任何人
She's my Christ forsaken angel but she don't hear me cry
她是我主遗弃的天使 但她听不到我的哭声
She's a lone hearted mystic and she cant carry on
她是一个内心孤独的神秘主义者 她受不了生活的折磨
When I'm there she's alright but then she's not when I'm gone
当我在那之时她尚且安好 当我离去她已不成人样
Heaven knows that the answer, she's don't calling no one
天知道这是为什么 她不会求助任何人
She's the way, her forsaken beauty for she's mine for the one
她就是这样一个孤独美人 她是我的唯一
And I lost her hesitating by temptation lest it runs
But she don't holler me but I'm not there, I'm gone
但她沉默寡言 而我不在 已经走啦
Now I'll cry tonight like I cried the night before
而今夜里我将痛哭 一如之前的夜晚
And I'll feast on the highway but I'll dream about the door
我会享受在路上的酣畅 但我更怀念家的温暖
It's alone, she's forsaken by her fate with to tell
"It don't have approximation", she is smiling fairly well
根本不可能尽如人意 她笑得花枝招展
Now when I'll teach that lady I was born to love her
而今我会让她知道 我生来爱她
But she knows that the kingdom waits so high above her
And I run by the race but it's not too fast or slow
But I dont perceive her, I'm not there, I'm gone
但我不会骗她 我已不在 已经走啦
Well, it's all about confusion and I cry for her
归根结底都是关于人生的困惑 我为她哭
Well, I dont need anybody now beside me to tell
And its all affirmation I receive but its not
这一切确凿无疑 但并非全部真相
She's a lone-hearted beauty but she don't like the spot and she call
Yes, she's gone like the rainbow that shined yesterday
是的 她会如昨日闪耀的彩虹般消失
But now she's home beside me and I'd like her here to stay
而今她回到我身边 我想她和我长相厮守
She's a lone forsaken beauty and it's don't trust anyone
她是一个孤独美人 不相信任何人
I wish I was beside her but I'm not there, I'm gone
我希望我恰好在她身边 但我不在 我已远走高飞
Well, it's too hard to stay here and I don't want to leave
我不得不说留下来确实令我为难 虽然我不想离开
Its so bad but amusing when shes hard, too hard to leave
糟糕而有些滑稽 她度日艰辛却无法逃离
Its a load, its a crime the way she haunt me around
那就是生活的负担 是罪恶 如梦魇般日夜缠着我
But she told, Wont you hate me? but it's down to make her crown
但她反问 你不是讨厌我吗 但是时候为她加冕啦
Yes, I believe that its rightful, oh, I believe it in my mind
是的 我相信这是正义之举 噢我矢志不渝地相信
I been told like I said when I before carry on the grind
我一直心知肚明 在我担负起生活的重任之前
And shes on yet she told her like I said, Carry on
她也这样告诉她自己 坚持下去吧
I wish I was there to help her but I'm not there, Im gone
我希望我在场并帮他一把 但我不在 我已远走高飞
1.Knockin' on Heaven's Door
2.Man in the Long Black Coat
3.Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
4.I'm Not There
5.Goin' to Acapulco
6.Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
7.Just Like a Woman
8.One More Cup of Coffee
9.All Along the Watchtower
10.As I Went out One Morning
11.Ballad of a Thin Man
12.Billy, Pt. 1
13.Ring Them Bells
14.I'm Not There
15.Fouth Time Around
16.Simple Twist of Fate
17.I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
18.Se?or (Tales of Yankee Power)
19.Cold Irons Bound
20.Tombstone Blues
21.Maggie's Farm
22.Wicked Messenger
23.Dark Eyes
24.When the Ship Comes In
25.You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
26.Can't Leave Her Behind
27.Pressing On
28.Highway 61 Revisited
29.Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
30.Mama, You've Been on My Mind/A Fraction of Last Thoughts on Woody Guthr
31.I Wanna Be Your Lover
32.Can You Please Crawl out Your Window?
33.Times They Are a Changin'