Looking out at the city through my window pane
Streets are shining in the falling rain
在倾坠的雨色里 街道熠熠生辉
Taxis cruised the late night bars
Watching the tail lights of going home cars
Watching the tail lights of going home cars.
TV shut down and the radio played
关掉了电视 打开收音机
Old time music, from younger days
播放着昔日金曲 逝去的青春岁月
Phoned up the DJ asked him to play a tune
For one of a thousand in love with the moon
献给茫茫人海中 屈指可数的
For one of a thousand in love with the moon.
Count down the miles and you run out of time
倒数着里程 才发觉余时不多
Chimes at midnight that blurred in the wine
午夜的钟声 溶散在酒中
Melody rolls into one long song
Round and round,On and on
围绕 氤氲
Round and round On and on
缠绵 不绝
But wasn't it good when the music played
当音乐响起 一切没有感觉更加美好吗
when the people sang to the song you made
Wasn't it good? Didn't it make you grin.
岂非更加美好吗 还是令你痛苦呢
Dougie came in on the violin
Dougie came in on the violin
So thinking it over and though the night
所以彻夜未眠 辗转反复
Watching the morning coming on light
直至看到 晨光熹微
No regrets, no cause to complain
不曾后悔 无可抱怨
You know you'd do it all over again
早已知晓 哪怕重来
You know you'd do it all over again
仍将重蹈覆辙 一次又一次
Count down the miles and you run out of time
倒数着里程 才发觉余时不多
Chimes at midnight that blurred in the wine
午夜的钟声 溶散在酒中
Melody rolls into one long song
Round and round,On and on
围绕 氤氲
Round and round On and on
Round and round On and on
Round and round On and on
Round and round On and on
Round and round On and on
环绕 不绝
1.Choose Your Time
2.Down the Years I Travelled
3.Win or Lose
4.Golden Island
5.There Was a Time
7.Jimmy's Song
8.Gently Does It
9.Banjo Man
10.Chimes at Midnight
11.Boy Becomes the Man
12.Maybe Another Day
13.Cry from the Heart
14.Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
15.So Long
16.Let It Come, Let It Go
17.The Merlin Cafe
18.Carried on the Wind
19.Come Home Safely to Me
20.Let's Go to Paris
21.Across the Borderline