Some kind of love Marguerita told Tom
玛格丽特告诉汤姆 在有些爱情中
Between thought and expression lies a lifetime
恋人们言行不一 彼此隐瞒 这种爱情永远都是虚假的谎言
Situations arise because of the weather
And no kinds of love are better than others
Some kinds of love, Margueirta told Tom
玛格丽特告诉汤姆 有些爱情
Like a dirty French novel combines the absurd with the vulgar
就像下流的法国小说 充满了荒谬和粗俗
And some kinds of love the possibilities are endless
And for me to miss one would seem to be groundless
但是 思念某个人这种事情 对我来说似乎是无法理解的
I head what you said, Marguerita heard Tom
我听到了你讲的话 玛格丽特听到了汤姆讲的话
And of course you're a bore but in that you're not charmless
当然了 你令人厌烦且没有魅力
Cause a bore is a straight line that finds a wealth in division
因为一个讨人厌的家伙就像一条愚钝的直线 只会在除法中寻找宝藏
And some kinds of love are mistaken for vision
Put jelly on your shoulder let us do what you fear most
把果冻放在你的肩膀上 让我们来做一做你最害怕事
That from which you recoil but which still makes your eyes moist
那种最能让你吓得后退 两眼含泪的事
Put jelly on your shoulder baby, lie down upon the carpet
宝贝 躺在地毯上 让我们把果冻放在你的肩膀上
Between thought and expression let us now kiss the culprit, move it on
由谎言堆砌的爱情啊 让我们来亲吻这个罪魁祸首 开始吧
I don't know just what it's all about
But put on your red pajamas and find out
但是 穿上你红色的睡衣去搞清楚
One more time for ?
1.Candy Says
2.After Hours
3.Pale Blue Eyes
4.Some Kinda Love
5.I'm Set Free
6.What Goes On
8.Beginning To See The Light
9.That's The Story Of My Life
10.The Murder Mystery