Heaven Laid in Tears

Behold the skies, they're full of lies... in disguise
凝望天空 布满了虚掩的谎言
Behold the skies, they're full of lies... in disguise
凝望天空 布满了虚掩的谎言
O, creator, so long we have fallen to our knees
造物主啊 我们已经卑躬屈膝了太久
So long we have murdered our honor, while protecting thine
捍卫你的一切 我们抛弃了荣耀太久
Behold the skies, they're full of lies... in disguise
凝望天空 布满了虚掩的谎言
Behold the skies, they're full of lies... in disguise
凝望天空 布满了虚掩的谎言
And we, warriors moulded in the blood of his vanity
而我们 以狂妄之血肉铸成的勇士
The silent, loyal shepard who tends my light is dead... in me
沉默忠诚的指挥官为我而战 为我而死
So let the night take thee in her arms,
And dry these tears into her embrace
It's the end of pretending and defending...
God's holy light
El-shaddai, we serve thee, henceforth... no more
自此以后 再也不向全能之神称臣
Show me heaven, show me guilt... embrace the pain
让我看看天堂和罪孽吧 享受痛苦吧
We must suffer to realize, we must despair again and again
No longer our knees we shall bend, no longer fold our frozen hands
再也不会屈服 再也不会紧握冰冷的拳头
We long for the darkness, our flames still burn for mother night...
身处黑暗已久 但依旧燃烧着初夜之火
Behold us now, as we cry, soon to die... to rise again
现在看着我 为逝去而哭泣 再次振作可好
Behold the skies, they're full of lies... in disguise
凝望天空 布满了虚掩的谎言
Behold the skies, they're full of lies... hear our cries
凝望天空 布满了谎言 伴随着哭泣
I have seen us bathing in blood to defend his very glory
I have seen us kneel and praise for nothing...
I have seen him dying in our eyes
I have realized that god owes us his life
命运啊 亏欠我们一生
1.Death, Come Near Me
2.Heaven Laid in Tears
3.A Scenery of Loss
4.Daylight Misery
5.The Apostacy Canticle
6.The Abhorrent Rays
8.The Everlasting Scar