Ore Hell Is Where The Heart Is The Gospel Of Tomas

Confide in me and tell me, why the worthless never die
向我倾吐你的秘密 告诉我 为何毫无价值之物却永不消逝
And tell to me my darling, why we cast our pearls to swine
告诉我 亲爱的 为何我们又要将明珠暗投
Please come to me and show me, why the dead refuse to bleed
请来到我身边 告诉我 为何死士不会流血
Why nothing lasts forever, and the past can't be retrieved
为何没什么能天长地久 过去为何又不能被追回
我是阿尔法 也是欧米伽 既是开篇 又是终结
I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end.
我既是答案 又是谜题 我是永不熄灭的火焰
I am the answer I am the enigma; I am the flame which never ends
爱 没办法将你从深渊拯救 吻 也从未像削骨般深刻
胸口的十字祷告 也无从得解 也不能让你得到你所求
No love will ever save you, no kisses are too deep
任何虔诚的信仰都不能带给你片刻欢愉 带走一切不满与伤痛
No cross will give you answers, or satisfy your needs
只有恨 让你的余生有意义 让你再度活过来
No faith will give you pleasure, that takes away the pain
我是阿尔法 也是欧米伽 既是开篇 又是终结
But hate will give you meaning, and make you feel again
我既是答案 又是谜题 我是永不熄灭的火焰
我们到底是为什么而活?只是为了快活 还是那些我们未知的理由
I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end.
当我们深入我的灵魂深处 就看清那些我们深埋的秘密
I am the answer I am the enigma; I am the flame which never ends
当我躺下却毫无睡意时 让我的梦境再度浮现
心中即炼狱 是你我的归所
Are we living just for pleasure, or for reasons yet unknown?
我是阿尔法 也是欧米伽 既是开篇 又是终结
Let us realize our secrets, when we reach into my soul
我既是答案 又是谜题 我是永不熄灭的火焰
Let my dreams be remembered, when I lay down not to sleep
Hell is where the heart is, it's a place for you and me
I am the alpha and the omega; I am the beginning and the end.
I am the answer I am the enigma; I am the flame which never ends
1.Ore Three Is An Orgy, Four Is Forever
2.Ore Hell Is Where The Heart Is The Gospel Of Tomas
3.Ore Dreaming Of My Scarlet Woman
4.Spiritual Front Border
5.Spiritual Front Feat. Ore The Pleasure Of Pain
6.Spiritual Front Autopsy Of A Love
7.Spiritual Front Song For The Old Man
8.Ore Feat. Spiritual Front Your *** Is The Sscar