The Doctor
Dooom Shopping
List: Five cans of d
Con roach spray,
Two colors of shoe dye,
White gloves,
Four cans of
CalCan cat food,
One chocolate
YooHoo, A can of
Ajax, Clorox for the bone smells in the living room,
Cat litter and a bag of onion rings for the dog,
And two boxes of
Apple Jacks and
Flintstone vitamins
1.Who Killed Dr. Octagon? (Intro)
2.No Chorus
3.Apartment 223
4.Mr. Ratt (Skit)
5.Neighbors Next Door
6.I Run Rap
7.You Live at Home With Your Mom
8.Housing Authority
9.Wild Kingdom (Skit)
10.Welfare Love
11.Dr. Dooom's in the Room
12.Call the Cops
13.Brothers Feel Fly
14.Side Line
15.***** Gets No Love
16.Shopping List (Skit)
17.Body Bag
18.Mental Case
19.Leave Me Alone