
So, we're going to get a volunteer to eat this now. If we have... No, only joking. You're all going, "I might go and see the Darwin Centre now." Now, that is a hissing cockroach. It's a hissing cockroach. Hear that? It loves you. Isn't that incredible? Size of the insect. But that would have great nutritional value. Exactly. This isn't messing around, this is something real and tangible. Half a dozen of those on your plate and I think you'd agree you've got a pretty hearty meal. It's just a way of somehow dressing that up in a way that would be palatable, so sauces and things is what we need as an accompaniment to that. Whether or not you're sold on the idea of eating insects, after half an hour in Stuart's company, people just can't wait to give them a go. Very good. Very good. Out in the natural world, the idea of eating insects is anything but alien. Insects are a vital part of the food chain, with billions being eaten by birds, fish and other animals everyday.
我们要找个志愿者吃掉它,如果我们 不是啦,开玩笑而已。 你们都在想"现在我要去参观达尔文中心了"。这是只发声蟑螂,是只发声蟑螂嘶,听到了吗? 它很喜欢你 太不可思议了,这么大的块头。非常具有营养价值。 一点不错,这不是恶搞玩具。 这是活着的,摸摸看。 六只大虫做成菜,不能说没营养吧。只是需要把它装点成可口美味的样子,所以我们要加上酱汁调味。不管您是否认可以昆虫为食,在斯图尔特的公司待了半个小时后,人们确实纷纷品尝起来。 很好吃,很不错。 在自然世界中,以昆虫为食再正常不过了。昆虫是食物链的重要组成部分,每天数十亿的昆虫成为鸟类,鱼类等的食物。