Open road, no one stopped you from trying
宽敞的道路 无人阻挡你前行的脚步
To lose your load, to find your silver lining
卸下负累 找寻你前行的曙光
You left my side, cos mother let you run and hide
你不在我身边 因为母亲让你躲开我
But even from afar I hear you crying
但即使相距甚远 我依然可以听见你的哭泣
Let me out of this cage, before I swell up with rage
让我挣脱束缚 在我怒火升腾前
Let me sing to old age before I'm done
let me shout to the skies that I'm too young to die
让我朝天空呐喊 我生须臾芳华辞世
And that fate will never stop me from trying
我一往直前 命运也无法阻挡
Finally found, the dreaming lived those ties unbound
That quest for peace, that hopeless search for sweet release
追求平和 于绝望中追寻自在解脱
You've found your feet, but now they only run to meet
你好不容易得以适应 可一切却又趋于陌生
A hope that's hanging loosely whilst your crying
在你哭泣之时 希望也渐渐消逝
Let me out of this cage, before I swell up with rage
让我挣脱束缚 在我怒火升腾前
Let me sing to old age before I'm done
Let me shout to the skies that I'm too young to die
让我朝天空呐喊 我生须臾芳华辞世
And that fate will never stop me from trying
我一往直前 命运也无法阻挡
Open road, you will only lead back home.
宽敞的道路 唯有你引领我归途
Because you stole the heart, but your heart is still alone
因为我的心皈依于你 可你的心依然孤独
So you take your time, and mother let you run and hide
所以你也从容不迫 你的母亲让你躲开我
Because wisdom knows the eyes through which you're crying
Let me out of this cage, before I swell up with rage
让我挣脱束缚 在我怒火升腾前
Let me sing to old age before I'm done
Let me shout to the skies that I'm too young to die
让我朝天空呐喊 我生须臾芳华辞世
And that fate will never stop me from trying
我一往直前 命运也无法阻挡