I'll Name the Dogs

Girl it's high time I tell ya
现在正是良机 女孩 让我来告诉你吧
No more messin' around
Time to lay these cards on the table
And just throw it on out
I'm talkin' you and me with the same street name
我是说 我们应该组成一个家庭
Same last name same everything
It's a real thing a how I feel thing
So I'mma go on and take a swing
我会继续努力 直到实现这个愿望
You find the spot and I'll find the money
你只需要尽情购物 我会努力去赚钱
You be the pretty and I'll be the funny
你只需要貌美如花 我会是你的开心果
You plant the flowers I'll plant the kisses
你可以在我们的家养些花 我会时不时地亲吻你
Baby let's get right down to business
宝贝 让我们现在就过这种生活吧
I'll hang the pictures you hang the stars
我会在家里挂上你的照片 而你可以挂上你喜欢的明星海报
You pick the paint I'll pick a guitar
你画画的时候 我可以在旁边弹吉他
Sing you a song out there with the crickets and the frogs
You name the babies and I'll name the dogs yeah
你可以给我们的孩子们取名字 我会为我们的狗狗们取名字
You can park your car in the driveway
I'll park my truck in the grass
I'll put a little swing on the front porch
If you put a little tea in my glass
Watch the sun set from a gravel road
我们可以一起去碎石路上散步 看夕阳西下
Kiss me in the kitchen on your tippy toes
你可以在厨房踮起脚尖 亲吻我
Still lovin' on you when the rooster crows
想和你尽情缠绵 直到天亮
Watching way more than the garden grow
想和你执子之手 白头偕老
You find the spot and I'll find the money
你只需要尽情购物 我会努力去赚钱
You be the pretty and I'll be the funny
你只需要貌美如花 我会是你的开心果
You plant the flowers I'll plant the kisses
你可以在我们的家养些花 我会时不时地亲吻你
Baby let's get right down to business
宝贝 让我们现在就过这种生活吧
I'll hang the pictures you hang the stars
我会在家里挂上你的照片 而你可以挂上你喜欢的明星海报
You pick the paint I'll pick a guitar
你画画的时候 我可以在旁边弹吉他
Sing you a song out there with the crickets and the frogs
You name the babies and I'll name the dogs
你可以给我们的孩子们取名字 我会为我们的狗狗们取名字
Yeah laying next to you every night
Sounds like a damn good life
You find the spot and I'll find the money
你只需要尽情购物 我会努力去赚钱
You be the pretty and I'll be the funny
你只需要貌美如花 我会是你的开心果
You plant the flowers I'll plant the kisses
你可以在我们的家养些花 我会时不时地亲吻你
Baby let's get right down to business
宝贝 让我们现在就过这种生活吧
I'll hang the pictures you hang the stars
我会在家里挂上你的照片 而你可以挂上你喜欢的明星海报
You pick the paint I'll pick a guitar
你画画的时候 我可以在旁边弹吉他
Sing you a song out there with the crickets and the frogs
You name the babies and I'll name the dogs
你可以给我们的孩子们取名字 我会为我们的狗狗们取名字
Yeah I'll name the dogs
You name the babies and I'll name the dogs
你可以给我们的孩子们取名字 我会为我们的狗狗们取名字
Yeah I'll name the dogs
1.The Wave
2.Why Me
4.Hangover Due
5.When the Wine Wears Off
6.Beside You Babe
7.Got the T-Shirt
8.I'll Name the Dogs
9.I Lived It
10.At the House
11.Turnin' Me On