I am not a stranger to the dark
"Hide away," they say
"'Cause we don't want your broken parts"
You can put your mind to do whatever you wanna do
Just tell yourself that you capable, too
But don't do things that ain't even cool
And get rid of them no-good friends that's enablin' you
Makin' you feel like you won't be nothin', your life crumblin'
他们只会让你觉得你一无是处 让你生命一片荒芜
They talk, mumblin'
他们咕咕囔囔 喋喋不休
You gon' be something, you're glorious
你一定会功成名就 你生而与众不同
We're no gangs, but warriors, we well-known, notorious
我们不是草帮 而是战士 我们声名远扬 亦臭名昭著
They can't stop you or block you or mock you
没有人能够将你阻止 将你绊住或将你嘲弄
They mad 'cause you bad and they not you
You fall down, but get up and skip and hop through
你会跌倒 但站起来跃过阻碍就好
Kick down doors for others to walk through
You have a purpose, to make you say, "Did I do that?" Urkel
你得有个目标 不断对自己说"我做到了吗"
Now we callin' reality virtue
This is who I am, this is me, don't let them words hurt you
这就是原原本本的我 这就是我 别教闲言碎语让你再难过
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
我会以洪流之势 将其退尽赶绝
I am brave, I am bruised
我勇气未尽 我伤痕彪炳
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
这就是我与生俱来的注定 这就是我自己
Look out 'cause here I come
千万小心 我正要从天降临
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
没有理由要心生歉意 这就是我自己
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh
Another round of bullets hits my skin
Well, fire away 'cause today,
噢 就尽管给我打击 因为今天
I won't let the shame sink in
We are bursting through the barricades
And reaching for the sun (We are warriors)
Yeah, that's what we've become
是的 这就是我们行至如今的状态
(Yeah, that's what we've become)
是的 这就是我们行至如今的状态
I Won't let them break me down to dust
I know that there's a place for us
For we are glorious
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
我会以洪流之势 将其退尽赶绝
I am brave, I am bruised
我勇气未尽 我伤痕彪炳
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
这就是我与生俱来的注定 这就是我自己
Look out 'cause here I come (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
千万小心 我正要从天降临
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
不需要有任何歉意 我就是我自己
I'm alone, I never fit the mold
我形单影只 从来都无法合群
The world is so cold, hold it down on my own
这世界残酷冷冰 我只能独自承受独自前行
I'm just tryna reach up to the sky, see the moon
我只想碰触到天顶 得见月的旖旎
I got confidence 'cause I'm the flyest in the room
我重拾自信 因我是我周围最酷的唯一
And I been knocked down, but I always get up
我屡受打击 却也屡败屡起
I had some fake friends, had to go and switch up
我有一些表面上的朋友 也要奋起而改变这格局
Yeah, no pain, no strain, I ain't chasin' none of fake
没有苦痛 也就没有转变的压力 我也并不只追求苦痛的洗礼
'Cause I got more to gain, and I'm just tryna make a change
我获得了更多的成长 我只想尽力去不同凡响
I'm just doin' me, I'm in my own lane
我只要做着我自己 在自己的路上一步一脚印
I fell down a few times, but I'm up again
我数次跌倒 而又重新站起
Marchin' to another drum, see me cross, see me bow
迈向下一步的节拍里 双手交叉 鞠躬致意
When they thought that I was done, ah nah, here I come
当人人都以为我将就此不振 我又会重新降临
I'm not weak, I get on my feet
我并不软弱 我一路靠着自己
No apologies, yeah, this is me
不需要有任何歉意 我就是我自己
And I know that I deserve your love
There's nothing I'm not worthy of (Uh, yeah, yeah)
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
我会以洪流之势 将其退尽赶绝
This is brave, this is bruised
这是我尚存的勇气 这是我伤痕的彪炳
This is who I'm meant to be, this is me
这就是我与生俱来的注定 这就是我自己
Look out 'cause here I come
千万小心 我正要从天降临
(Look out 'cause here I come)
千万小心 我正要从天降临
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
(Marching on, marching, marching on to you)
步步稳进 步步前行 向你
I'm not scared to be seen (Uh, yeah)
I make no apologies, this is me
没有理由要心生歉意 这就是我自己
(No apologies, yeah, this is me)
不需要有任何歉意 我就是我自己
Whenever the world's gone, whenever the world's gone
无论这世界何时会弃我而去 无论世间几多风云
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
我会以洪流之势 一一压制平息
Oh, oh, oh, this is me
1.Rewrite The Stars
2.Never Enough
4.Come Alive (Bonus Track)
5.This Is Me (The Reimagined Remix)
6.The Other Side
7.Come Alive
8.This Is Me
9.The Greatest Show (Bonus Track)
10.From Now On
11.A Million Dreams (Reprise)
12.A Million Dreams
13.The Greatest Show