Yo, what's up you busy right now?
Yo 你现在忙吗?我有许多话想对你说
No, why what's up?
不忙 你有什么事吗?
Yo I wrote somethin for you, just listen
Yo 我写了一些东西想让你细心聆听
About what?
Just listen
先别激动好吗 别挂电话 听下去
Baby Girl I'm sorry for your pain, I'm the only one to blame
亲爱的女孩我真的十分抱歉让你承受了如此巨大的痛苦 我才是应该被大家责备的那个人
It's like every since you left me girl nothing ain't been the same
自从你选择离开了我身边的一切都变得黑白 我一直沉浸在悔恨之中
I hate the man that I became, and I told you I would change
我明明向你承诺过我会改变 我厌恨现在的我
But I kept on being stupid and I kept on playing games
在我们恋爱期间我总是不断地犯傻 我承认我就是那个唯一的傻子 我把爱情当作了一场儿戏
Girl I'm sorry for your pain, I'm the only one to blame
Hey 女孩 我对你造成了无法弥补的伤害 我为此向你道歉 我才是那个最蠢的人
It's like every since you left me girl nothing ain't been the same
我们最后还是分道扬镳 我变得沉默寡言 失去了仅剩的希望 在悔恨的囚牢里度日如年
I hate the man that I became, and I told you I would change
我总是不断的向你承诺我会改的 我会改的 隔天的我还是如此惹你厌
But I kept on being stupid and I kept on playing games
我总是不断地犯错惹你生气 让你一次一次的对我失望 我把爱情当成了一场游戏
Look,this my tenth time calling yo phone
And you just keep hitting declined and send me straight to the tone
你却总是选择拒绝我的电话 我开始害怕不断地打电话给你
Ever since you got with him It's like you left me alone
你交了新的男朋友 你仿佛彻底忘记了我的存在
Ever since you left my side, I been all on my own
自从你离开了我的身边 我感受到了无止境的孤独
Well, does he grab you by yo hand and really tell you how he feel?
好吧 我还是选择接受了这个现实 那他有深情的牵着你的手告诉你他是怎么想的吗?
Was he there when you was broke and you couldn't pay yo bills
Was he there when you was hurting and popping on them pills?
When you had that miss carriage, was he there to wipe yo tears?
No, baby that was we and I won't let up on you
如果我们还在一起我不会丢下你不管 我还能够做到比他更细心 对你更温柔
Even though we not on speaking terms I still check on you
即使我们早已不再有任何过往 你在我的心中任占据了他人无法替代的位置
Everynight I'm on my knees, yeah I still pray for you
每每到了深夜 我都会跪下来为你祈祷
I ask the lord to look over you
我祈求上帝希望那个他能够好好的照顾你不再让你受到伤害 无论是精神还是肉体
I did stay loyal and I never wanted to call you my ex
我对你的爱意未曾改变 但是我从未曾想过把你称作我的前任 我还是想和你一起度过余生
I never asked for *** I was just asking for your best
我从未强求你给我想要的爱 我只希望你能够一切安好
You got yo lil boo and went ghost, now I'm stressed
自从你交了新男友 你仿佛人间蒸发 我再没有你的消息
Shoot, girl I'm lucky if I even get a text
I even took you to my parents' house
Oh, they so embarrased now
Cause they only son lost a woman that he cared about
Maybe if we started over you would get my all,
或许我们可以尝试重新在一起忘却那不堪回首的回忆 我会在倾尽我的所有去爱你
But my phone on "Do Not Disturb"
Forever till you call
Girl I'm sorry for your pain, I'm the only one to blame
亲爱的女孩我真的十分抱歉让你承受了如此巨大的痛苦 我才是应该被大家责备的那个人
It's like every since you left me girl nothing ain't been the same
自从你选择离开了我身边的一切都变得黑白 我一直沉浸在悔恨之中
I hate the man that I became, and I told you I would change
我明明向你承诺过我会改变 我厌恨现在的我
But I kept on being stupid and I kept on playing games
在我们恋爱期间我总是不断地犯傻 我承认我就是那个唯一的傻子 我把爱情当作了一场儿戏
Girl I'm sorry for your pain, I'm the only one to blame
Hey 女孩 我对你造成了无法弥补的伤害 我为此向你道歉 我才是那个最蠢的人
It's like every since you left me girl nothing ain't been the same
我们最后还是分道扬镳 我变得沉默寡言 失去了仅剩的希望 在悔恨的囚牢里度日如年
I hate the man that I became, and I told you I would change
我总是不断的向你承诺我会改的 我会改的 隔天的我还是如此惹你厌
But I kept on being stupid and I kept on playing games
我总是不断地犯错惹你生气 让你一次一次的对我失望 我把爱情当成了一场游戏
It's goat
这里是Lil Goat
So what you think?
Why you say this all of a sudden?
Because my heart's been broken for a long time, and I love you
因为我不想每天在悔恨中度过 我不能没有你 我还是很爱你
I Love you too
2.Raps to Ex
3.Dear Santa
4.Mom Don’t Know
5.Mama Say