Mama called about the paper turns out they wrote about me
妈妈同媒体谈及父亲的事 然而 他们写的全是我
Now my broken heart′s the only thing that's broke about me
现在 我的生活虽殷实富足 但破碎的心已空无一物
So many people should've seen what we got going on
I only wanna put my heart and my life in songs
我只想 全身心地投入到我的歌唱
Writing about the pain I felt with my daddy gone
倾诉 我父亲的离去时 带给我的痛楚
About the emptiness I felt when I sat alone
诉说 我茕茕独立时 内心的空虚彷徨
About the happiness I feel when I sing it loud
传播 我引吭高歌时 难掩的欢呼雀跃
He should have heard the noise we made with the happy crowd
Did my grandaddy know he taught me what a poem was
爷爷 你知道吗 是你告诉我 何为诗歌
How you can use a sentence or just a simple pause
如何使用句子 亦或 简单的停顿
What will I say when my kids ask me who my daddy was
若我的孩子问我 我的父亲是怎样的人 我该何以作答
I thought about it for a while and I'm at a loss
我曾为此陷入沉思 但至今 仍手无足措
Knowing that I′m gonna live my whole life without him
心中知晓 我的余生 将再无他相伴
I found out a lot of things I never knew about him
我发现了很多 我未曾知道的 他的事
All I know is that I′ll never really be alone
但我亦明确 我不会真的只身一人
Cause we gotta lot of love and a happy home
因为我还有爱 还有快乐的家庭
Magazines are writing stuff but I don′t ever read them
娱乐杂志写的事 我从来不读
Some of the folks I used to know would see and start believing
昔日老友 感知我名声大震 开始假想
That I would pass them by on streets and never reach to greet them
若我们街边偶遇 我定会目中无人
I still remember folks even though I rarely meet them
但我永远会记得我的老友 即使鲜有相见
Don′t you know I miss the times when we used to hang
你知道吗 我有多思念 我们的年少时光
Before twenty deep depended on a single man
在20岁之前 我深切依赖父亲
Before a single heart was broken by a single blow
Before all our careers depended on a single show
I grew up with a lot of love in a happy home
沐浴在爱的阳光下 生活在幸福的家庭中
Now I got a lot of cash and I'm on a road
如今 我已衣食无忧 并继续前行
I realize privacy′s becoming difficult
我感受到 我的隐私问题 越发严重
It′s all right now but what about when I′m old
目前 问题尚可控 但当我年迈时 又将如何
I know my good friends now they′ll last
在我父亲去世时 伴我的好友
the same ones that stood by me when my daddy passed
会一直伴我左右 不离不弃
All I know is that we′ll never really be alone
我知道 我们从不会孤身一人
Cause we got a lot of love and a happy home
因为我们被爱环绕 被幸福的家包绕
I write a lot of songs will anybody ever read them
我写了很多歌 人们会理解吗
You hear them on the radio but will you really read them
在电台中听到 但你真的理解了吗
Why do we have our idols and why do we wanna be them
我们为什么要有偶像 我们为什么想成为他们
After we see them on TV we really wanna meet them
在电视上看到他们之后 我们真的想遇见他们
Don′t you think they miss the times when they used to hang
你觉得 他们怀念往昔的时光吗
Before a fan base depended on a single man
Before a single heart was broken by a single show
Who′s gonna stand, who′s gonna fall I really wanna know
我想知道 谁毅然而立 谁落荒而逃
I grew up with a lot of love in a happy home
沐浴在爱的阳光下 生活在幸福的家庭中
My daddy use to play me vinyl but now daddy′s gone
父亲曾激励我 但他现在离开了
I used to practice with my mommy on the piano
我曾和妈妈 一起练习钢琴
I still get nervous every time I know she′s at a show
以至于 我知道她在现场 我仍会紧张
Now my family comes first before everyone
现在 我的家庭高于一切
I had the perfect dad I wanna be the perfect son
我曾有完美的爸爸 我要成为无暇的儿子
Though I really feel sometimes I am on my own
尽管有时 我独自前行
I know I got a lot of love and a happy home
但我心中有爱 心有所属
1.7 Years
2.Take the World By Storm
3.Mama Said
4.Happy Home
5.Drunk In The Morning
6.Better Than Yourself (Criminal Mind, Pt. 2)
7.Don't You Worry 'Bout Me
8.What Happened To Perfect
9.Strip No More
10.You're Not There