How much a dollar really cost?
The question is detrimental paralyzin' my thoughts
这问题是如此让人不安 令我的思绪瘫痪
Parasites in my stomach keep me with a good feeling y'all
Gotta see how I'm chillin' once I park this luxury car
Hopping out feeling big as Mutombo
20 on pump six dirty Marcellus called me Dumbo
加20美元6号加油枪 我把耳朵竖起来就像小飞象一样
20 years ago can't forget
那是20年前 难忘的童年记忆
Now I can lend all my ear or two how to stack these residuals
我把耳朵竖起来 以防加油的时候缺斤短两
Tenfold the liberal concept of what men'll do
他加了十倍 想当然的认为我是这么说的
20 on 6 he didn't hear me
我说加20块钱6号油枪 而服务员似乎听不懂
Indigenous African only spoke Zulu
My American tongue was slurry
Walked out the gas station
A homeless man with a silly tan complexion
看见了一个流浪汉 肌肤晒得黝黑
Asked me for ten grand
Stressin' about dry land
Deep water powder blue skies that crack open
他瞳孔放大 一看就是个瘾君子
A piece of crack that he wanted I knew he was smokin'
他需要的就是毒品 我知道他肯定是的
He begged and pleaded
Asked me to feed him twice I didn't believe it
乞求我再给他一次机会 但我始终无法相信他
Told him "Beat it"
Contributin' money just for his pipe I couldn't see it
He said "My son temptation is one thing that I've defeated
他说"兄弟 我已击败了人世间的所有诱惑"
Listen to me I want a single bill from you
‘听我一言 我只想要这一张钞票’
Nothin' less nothin' more
‘一分不多 也一分不少
I told him I ain't have it and closed my door
我告诉他我没有 然后冷漠地关上车门
Tell me how much a dollar cost
请告诉我 一美元到底价值几何?
It's more to feed your mind
水阳光和爱 你所爱的人
以及呼吸的空气 就是你所需要的一切
Water sun and love the one you love
他继续注视着我 这激发了我的怒气 我拿出钥匙
All you need the air you breathe
他继续注视着我 我发动了车子并准备离开
一种奇怪的感觉让我想留在原地 我想探个究竟
He's starin' at me in disbelief
My temper is buildin' he's starin' at me I grab my key
He's starin' at me I started my car and tried to leave
就好像我是造成他无家可归的原因 他乞求我的帮助
And somethin' told me to keep it in park until I could see
A reason why he was mad at a stranger like
I was supposed to save him
我再次瞪他一眼 突然感觉到了一些不尊重
Like I'm the reason he's homeless and askin' me for a favor
如果我能用棍子打他 肯定会瞄准他的脖子
He's starin' at me his eyes followed me with no laser
He's starin' at me I notice that his stare is contagious
一味索要施舍 并得以自用
Cause now I'm starin' back at him feelin' some type of disrespect
If I could throw a bat at him it'd be aimin' at his neck
他一直注视着我 直到他终于开口
I never understood someone beggin' for goods
Askin' for handouts takin' it if they could
And this particular person just had it down pat
请告诉我 一美元到底价值几何?
Starin' at me for the longest until he finally asked
Have you ever opened to Exodus 14?
水阳光和爱 你所爱的人
A humble man is all that we ever need
以及呼吸的空气 就是你所需要的一切
Tell me how much a dollar cost
从未遇到这样的流浪汉 让我不得不引起重视
It's more to feed your mind
这让我感到沮丧而犹豫 大脑突然出现了空挡
Water sun and love the one you love
我应该更远离他 应该更加凶狠果断
我的自私让我拥有了现在的一切 我并没开玩笑
All you need the air you breathe
所以我会告诉你 就像我只剩下最后一点食物和钞票
我需要我的每一分钱 这种乞讨行为不会让我上当
Guilt trippin' and feelin' resentment
我有更高的价值判断 我深知生活的不易
I never met a transient that demanded attention
当我在底层挣扎时我也曾经妥协 现在我领会了
They got me frustrated indecisive and power trippin'
你身上发出的恶臭 让我仿佛闻到了祖母的药味
Sour emotions got me lookin' at the universe different
I should distance myself I should keep it relentless
My selfishness is what got me here who the fuck I'm kiddin'?
So I'ma tell you like I told the last bum crumbs and pennies
乞讨者应该是脆弱无助的 而你的手法并不新鲜
I need all of mines and I recognize this type of panhandlin' all the time
I got better judgement I know when nigga's hustlin'
我就是如此自私和冷漠 也没有同情心
Keep in mind when I was strugglin' I did compromise
Now I comprehend I smell grandpa's old medicine
Reekin' from your skin moonshine and gin
他又说道‘如果知晓真相 会让你重获自由’
Nigga your babblin' your words ain't flatterin' I'm imaginin'
‘站在你面前的是耶和华之子 伟大的救世主’
Denzel be lookin' at O'Neal
‘唱诗班赞美的诗歌 神圣的灵魂 Nazareth的神经’
Cause now I'm in sad thrills your gimmick is mediocre the jig is up
I seen you from a mile away losin' focus
‘一美元代表天堂的一席之地 那将宽恕你的罪行 我就是上帝’
And I'm insensitive and I lack empathy
忏悔:我洗净双手 赞颂恩典 你还想从我这夺走什么?
You looked at me and said "Your potential is bittersweet"
流下小丑的眼泪 我想这并不是我的初衷
I looked at him and said "Every nickel is mines to keep"
如果我继续放纵 灰暗的影子就永远不会退散
He looked at me and said "Know the truth it'll set you free
请翻过这一页 助我改过自新 洗清我的罪恶
You're lookin' at the Messiah the son of Jehova the higher power
The choir that spoke the word the Holy Spirit the nerve
Of Nazareth and I'll tell you just how much a dollar cost
The price of having a spot in Heaven embrace your loss I am God"
I wash my hands I said my grace what more do you want from me?
Tears of a clown guess I'm not all what is meant to be
Shades of grey will never change if I condone
Turn this page help me change so right my wrongs