农忙也要把舞跳 马仕提 Dancing During Busy Farming Season . “Ma Shi Ti”

1.山上独木树 Single Tree on the Hill
2.苦尽甜来 Sweet Comes and Bitter Goes
3.傈僳族酒歌 欢聚一堂 Drinking Song of the Lisu Ethnic Group . Gather Together
4.想亲娘 思亲调 Missing My Mother . Missing Parents Tune
5.今天日子好 Good Day Today
6.农忙也要把舞跳 马仕提 Dancing During Busy Farming Season . “Ma Shi Ti”
7.知了知我心 布织麦调 Cicada knows my Heart . “Bu Zhi Mai Diao”
8.阿老表等等我 Wait for me, Cousin
9.傈僳古调 The ancient tune of Lisu Nationality
10.嫁女调 三脚半 然麦夫 Marring Daughter Tune . “Ran Mai Fu”
11.阿哥阿妹来跳脚 给撒拉 Come and Dance, Brothers and Sisters . “Gei Sa La”
12.新赶街调 支给组 New Tune of Going to the Street . “Zhi Gei Zu”
13.傈僳人家多欢乐 子拉木 Joy of Lisu People . “Zi La Mu”
14.两跺脚 起编编 Two Feet Stomp . “Qi Bian Bian”