Got you cryin' on my shoulder and I know better than to listen
你依偎在我肩头流泪 我却深知不该再听你哭诉
Just because you're staying over, doesn't mean that you're forgiven
短暂的留宿 并不代表原谅你的过往
We both know whatcha done, whatcha done
彼此都心知肚明你的所作所为 你的所作所为
Don't love anyone, anyone
吝啬的你 从不爱谁
Anyone but yourself
自私自利 只爱着自己
Just when I think I found the strength to go and push you away, away
就当我鼓起勇气想要推开你 远离这份折磨
I pull you in again, no, I'm such a sucker for the pain, pain, pain
却又忍不住将你拥入怀中 一次次沉沦于这熟悉的痛楚
Baby, I'm helpless, baby
亲爱的 我实在是无可奈何
Porcelain in your hands
易碎的我 似被你捏在手心的瓷器
Bound to fall apart
You know how to break me, hammer to the heart
你深谙该如何击溃我 一锤狠狠敲向心房
Caption it passion and then
Capture me, trap me instead
Happy to die in that web, wrapped in the sheets of your bed
我却甘愿沉溺于那️️️情网 被你的床单紧紧包裹
Ooh, no, the only way I'm leaving, ooh, is in pieces
噢 不 唯有碎成满地狼藉 我才能抽身而退
Just when I think I found the strength to go and push you away, away
就当我鼓起勇气想要推开你 远离这份折磨
Oh, I pull you in again, oh, I'm such a sucker for the pain, pain, pain
却又忍不住将你拥入怀中 一次次沉沦于这熟悉的痛楚
Baby, I'm helpless, baby
亲爱的 我被绝望深深俘虏
Porcelain in your hands
易碎的我 似被你捏在手心的瓷器
Bound to fall apart
You know how to break me, hammer to the heart
你深谙该如何击溃我 一锤狠狠敲向心房
Why do you do this to me?
为何你频频扰乱我心绪 百般折磨我
Leave and come back and repeat
一次次离去 又再度出现 周而复始
Sound of the crash when you swing
摔门而去 震耳欲聋 刺痛我的心
Why do you do this to me?
为何你频频扰乱我心绪 百般折磨我
Leave and come back and repeat
一次次离去 又再度出现 周而复始
Sounds like it's just what I need
Baby, I'm helpless, baby
亲爱的 我实在是无能为力
Porcelain in your hands
易碎的我 似被你捏在手心的瓷器
Bound to fall apart
You know how to break me, hammer to the heart
你深谙该如何击溃我 一锤狠狠敲向心房
Baby, I'm helpless, baby
亲爱的 我被绝望深深俘虏
Porcelain in your hands
易碎的我 似被你捏在手心的瓷器
Bound to fall apart
You know how to break me, hammer to the heart, ooh
你深谙该如何击溃我 一锤狠狠敲向心房 噢
Porcelain in your hands
易碎的我 似被你捏在手心的瓷器
Bound to fall apart
You know how to break me, hammer to the heart
你深谙该如何击溃我 一锤狠狠敲向心房