No, you couldn't spend a thing of what you made last week
不 你不能花掉你上周赚的任何一分钱
You've been tired, you've been working to make sure that you'd eat
你很累 你努力工作 只为了能让自己温饱
Told you do yourself a favour, always trying to fit in
你总想对自己说 何苦再为难自己呢 你试图当一个普通人
Hmm, I know you're thinking that you want to quit it
我知道 你正在想着 你想要挣脱这一切
Though you couldn't spend a minute on yourself last week
尽管在上周 你一分钟都没花在你自己身上
You been holding in your problems, all the years you don't speak
你将所有事情深埋心底 就算这么多年也不曾对他人倾吐
You been in it for so long, you think you know what life is
你深陷囹圄 你以为你已经知道 什么才是生活
And the pressure that you carry may be more than you think
你背负的压力 比你想象的还要多
Say money will change your pockets, not your mindset
钱会让你的口袋富余 可无法治愈你的心灵
Only gonna run from your problems 'cause it's harder to care
你只想逃避问题 因为你已经无瑕关心
Say money will change your pockets, not your mindset
钱会让你的口袋富余 可无法治愈你的心灵
Only gonna run when you got it 'cause it's harder to care
你只想逃避问题 因为你已经无瑕关心