Never thought that we'd be here again
I've failed you, done things I can't defend
我已经让你失望了 做了让自己无法辩解的事
Anxiety, this social isolation
紧张不安 陷入与世隔绝的状态
I've lost my place, got a thousand cuts, bleeding inside my head
我已失去住所 伤痕累累 内心流血不止
A long way home, the road so dark with mist
漫长的归途 昏暗不堪 迷雾重重
The stars are gone, it's like they don't exist
星星隐去了光芒 仿佛它们不曾存在
Remember when, the black dog comes to call...
还记得那时 一只黑狗跑过来朝我大叫
Ride through the storm
A golden sky, as the clouds begin to lift
是一片璀璨的天空 云也渐渐浮现出来
But I promise you this is not the end
We'll watch the sun go down again
Just stay by my side, my love, my friend
呆在我身边就好 我的朋友 我的爱人
I promise you this is not the end
我发誓 这绝不是终点
And I promise you this is not the end
我向你们保证 这绝不是终点
And I promise you this is not the end
我向你们保证 这绝不是终点
And I promise you this is not the end
我向你们保证 这绝不是终点
We'll watch the sun go down again
我向你们保证 这绝不是终点
Just stay by my side, my love, my friend
呆在我身边就好 我的朋友 我的爱人
I promise you this is not the end
我发誓 这绝不是终点
2.Call To You
6.Electric Life
7.This Is Not The End
8.Love You For All Time
10.Where Do We Go From Here