I fill my lungs 'cause my heart's made of concrete
我深吸一口气 让肺里空气充盈 因为我心硬好似水泥
I look to God, even he doesn't want me
就算上帝并不想要我这个信徒 我还是虔诚仰望着祂
I grind my teeth in my sleep 'cause of bad dreams
梦魇作祟 导致我睡觉磨牙
Try to live my life, but this ecstasy's inside me
我想好好生活 却销魂迷醉 无法自拔
Yeah, I can't wake up happy
I just took a knife to the strings that attach me
我只是拿刀割断身上绳索 挣脱桎梏
Every day's passing, everyone's laughing
日子一天天过去 人们笑声不断
J.F.K, they might find my brains in the backseat
别当真 他们或许会发现后座溅上了我脑浆
I'm trying my best not to open up my heart
我拼尽全力 不去敞开心扉
It's been torn apart too many times
But without you I'd die, and I don't wanna die
可没有你 我就会死 我不想死
Not today, not tomorrow, not tonight, I don't wanna die
今天不行 明天不行 今晚也不行 我不想死
I need you, I need you more than life
我离不开你 我对你的渴求 胜过我的生命
More than life, more than life, more than life
胜过生命 胜过生命 胜过生命
Sorry if it doesn't work out, like (Glaive)
要是以上未实现 那我很抱歉……(glaive唱段)
She's a pretty little liar, overanalyzer
她有几分姿色 撒谎成性 还神经过敏
I fell in love with you and I don't mind it
我爱上了你 我毫不介意
But I know, baby, this won't go as expected
但我知道 宝贝 事情不会如我所愿
But when I told you that "I f!ckin' love you" shit, I meant it
但当我对你坦白说"我爱惨了你" 不带丝毫虚情假意
She's doin' coke in a bathroom, when did I ask you?
她在浴室吞云吐雾 我什么时候问过你吗?
Stuck in a bad mood, slipped and I passed you
心情明媚不起来 摔了一跤 就与你擦肩
F!ck, I'm a bad dude, guess you're attached to me
男人不坏女人不爱 我猜你喜欢我
Yeah, I guess you're attached to me
I'm trying my best not to open up my heart
我拼尽全力 不去敞开心扉
It's been torn apart too many times
But without you I'd die, and I don't wanna die
可没有你 我就会死 我不想死
Not today, not tomorrow, not tonight, I don't wanna die
今天不行 明天不行 今晚也不行 我不想死
I need you, I need you more than life
我离不开你 我对你的渴求 胜过我的生命
More than life, more than life, more than life
胜过生命 胜过生命 胜过生命
More than life, more than life, more than life
胜过生命 胜过生命 胜过生命
(More than life, more than life, more than life)
(胜过生命 胜过生命 胜过生命)
(Life) I need you, I need you more than life
(生命)我离不开你 我对你的渴求 胜过我的生命
I need you, I need you, yeah
我需要你 我离不开你
What's the point of living? I heard death is easier
活着有何意义 我听说死了倒更容易
I found the love, but I'm scared I won't keep her
寻到爱人 却恐慌留不住她
What's the point of living? I heard death is easier
活着有何意义 我听说死了倒更容易
I look over my shoulder and I see the reaper (Reaper)
我回头一看 死神近在眼前
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm trying my best not to open up my heart
我拼尽全力 不去敞开心扉
It's been torn apart too many times
But without you I'd die, and I don't wanna die
可没有你 我就会死 我不想死
Not today, not tomorrow, not tonight, I don't wanna die
今天不行 明天不行 今晚也不行 我不想死
I need you, I need you more than life
我离不开你 我对你的渴求 胜过我的生命
More than life, more than life, more than life
胜过生命 胜过生命 胜过生命
Mm-mm, I need you, I need you more than life
我离不开你 我对你的渴求 胜过我的生命
1.9 lives
2.more than life
3.why are you here
4.last november
5.born with horns
6.god save me
8.drug dealer
9.wall of fame (interlude)
10.mainstream sellout
11.make up sex
12.emo girl
14.papercuts (album edit)
17.fake love don’t last
18.die in california
19.sid & nancy
20.twin flame
21.papercuts (live from red rocks)
22.maybe (acoustic version)