Part I
Concorde flies in my room
Tears the house to shreds
将之夷为平地("my room"即Isaac的内心 "room"常常为一个较私人的领域 如今却有"协和飞机"飞驰 甚至破坏)
Defines the night as such
这 就是夜晚
A home for us, stick insects
给我们一个家 为我们这些蜉蝣
And leaves no trace of luck
At every market town that we intersect
I die like fifteen times
我死了有 15次了吧
The dark blue stem brings me to their breast
深蓝色的根茎自地表而出 携我来到巴黎
And I'm feeling kinda normal with a packed lunch
我带着打包好的午餐 感觉还算正常
Train rides don't hurt much these days
数日的长途跋涉 已经麻木
We're all working working on ourselves and we're praying that the rest don't mind how much we've changed
我们都在为自己奔波 祈祷他人不在意我们因此改变了多少
So if you see me looking strange with a fresh style
可 若我尝试新的风格 你看来也会觉得怪异
I'm still not feeling that great
我依旧感觉不是很好(Isaac因心理 情感问题离队的预兆)
And then it's in soft-focus all around you
随后 一切在你视野中慢慢虚焦
You can't see the football game
On my dad's sofa, we are still, and we never look at our phones anymore
仍是在我父亲的沙发上 一动不动 只是不再低头盯着我们的手机
Part II
Oh, I can't think of anything better
可 我想不出有什么更好的办法
Pick a hair off my sweater
And drown in me
情绪决堤 淹没了我
Like boyfriend jeans
像男友的牛仔裤(即Boyfriend Fashion Trend 即男友或丈夫的衣服会相较更为宽松 女孩们会穿上它们外出 例如白衬衫 牛仔裤)
Oh, I haven't felt this way in, like ever
哦 我从未有过这样的感觉 从未
I am the convo, you are the weather
我为此屡屡变了模样 你更是难以莫测(可以理解为Isaac与对方的谈话总以对方为中心 也可以理解为二人的谈话总是围绕天气的寒暄)
And the clamp is a cracked smile cheek
这夹子 已是强颜欢笑 崩坏、衰解
And it tortures me
I haven't felt this way in, like ever
我从未有过这样的感觉 从未
I am the convo, you are the weather
我为此屡屡变了模样 你更是难以莫测
And the clamp is a cracked smile cheek
这钳子 已是强颜欢笑 崩坏、衰解
And it tortures me
Part III
In my bedsheets, now wet
我的床单 现在湿了
Of Charlie, I pray to forget
是Charlie的梦 我记得 但我宁可忘记(Charlie 即Charli XCX 由原先版本的词可以看出这里Isaac得到了母亲的理解、认可,"Sunglasses"中提到的俄狄浦斯情结得以解决 同时也有对Isaac艺术价值的认可)
All I've been forms the drone, we sing the rest
我们所有失意的呢喃 歌唱过后的余音
Oh, your generous loan to me, your crippling interest
你的慷慨施舍 我要回以何等代价
And my bedsheets, now wet
我的床单 已湿了
Of Charlie, I pray to forget
那是关于Charlie的梦 我仍记得 但宁可忘记
All I've been forms the drone, we sing the rest
我们所有失意的呢喃 歌唱过后的余音
Oh, your generous loan to me, your crippling interest
你的慷慨施舍 我又如何偿还
Oh, in my bedsheets, now wet
我的床单 现在湿了
Of Charlie, I pray to forget
是Charlie的梦 我记得 但我宁可忘记
All I've been forms the drone, we sing the rest
我们所有失意的呢喃 歌唱后的余音
Oh, your generous loan to me, your crippling interest
你的慷慨施舍 你我怎能两清