(ELWOOD)He failed to save the child, Father.
Brown Jenkin bit through the baby's wrist and completed the sacrifice!
(FATHER IWANICKI)But my son, it was all just a dream.
(ELWOOD)No! Don't you see?
The baby vanished in real life too! It was all real!
(FATHER IWANICKI)It's a tragic coinci—
(ELWOOD) We found Gilman on the floor of his room, nearly catatonic.
There were bruises on his throat and his crucifix was gone!
He had gone stone deaf: both eardrums ruptured.
The doctors couldn't explain it!
Walter truly went somewhere in his dreams that night, Father.
And I haven't told you the worst yet.
(FATHER IWANICKI)I'm sure you did all you could.
The sin isn't yours.
(ELWOOD)But I have sinned, Father. The sin of despair.
I don't know what's true anymore!
Reality, I always thought it had finality
But now I doubt its actuality
And nothing is what it might seem
Nonentity, I've lost all sense of my identity
The only thing I feel with certainty
Is that the world is just a dream
(FATHER IWANICKI+MONKS)Faith in God restores man's life
(ELWOOD/MONKS)Belief in God is a delusion! / Atterete dominatum
A soothing fairy tale I chose / Denique interimo
But so are science's conclusions,
God knows / Atterete dominatum
Denique interimo
Oh I prayed that God would bring deliverance! / Atterete dominatum
But demons came at night instead /Denique interimo
Poor Walter didn't know the difference /Benedictus qui venit
When he said / In nomine Daemon Sultan
(GILMAN)I want something more than life!
(ELWOOD)The worst came that night, Father.
We heard Walter shrieking in terror.
(FATHER IWANICKI)What happened?
(ELWOOD)He was writhing in agony, covered in blood!
(ELWOOD)A horrible rat-like creature had attacked him.
It emerged from his chest and escaped!
(ELWOOD)It killed him, Father! Walter was dead!
(FATHER IWANICKI)Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him!
(ELWOOD)Between reality and dreaming
Evil consumed his beating heart!
For me there's nothing that's redeeming
(MONKS)Atterete dominatum
(DESROCHERS)This house is vile and sinful! Ia!
(MONKS)Denique interimo
(MAZUREWICZ)Hail the master of the night!
(ELWOOD)I prayed that God would bring deliverance
But now I'll never sleep again!
I envy those who live in ignorance
(DESROCHERS)This house is vile and sinful! Ia!
(MAZUREWICZ)I give onto the violet light!
(FATHER IWANICKI)...perpetual light shine upon him...
may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed...
through the mercy of God... rest in peace... my God!
(CRAWLING CHAOS)Bow before him face the master of the night
(ELWOOD)Am I dreaming?