(ELWOOD) The neighbors knew Walter was in trouble.
With May Eve approaching,
they were all terrified of what might happen.
We knew that supernatural forces were at work,
and there was so much gossip in the town.
In the morning I visited Walter with Joe Mazurewicz
and the landlord, Dombrowski.
(DOMBROWSKI) We've heard you walking in your sleep
(MAZUREWICZ) And seen that rat-faced creature too
(ELWOOD) The dreams you've had have touched on something deep
And now it seems they're coming true
(GILMAN) Help, what am I to do?
(DOMBROWSKI) Blessed are the faithful
For Hell's on the horizon
(MAZUREWICZ) The evil in this room is thick
You should have this crucifix!
(ELWOOD+MAZUREWICZ) 'Tis April's awful Sabbat
Foul Walpurgis Night!
The winds bear chants from Meadow Hill
So pray to know God's holy will
(DOMBROWSKI) Hey, have you heard about the child?
Young Ladislas vanished last night
A pair of drunken townsfolk saw it all
(MAZUREWICZ) Now I hear shrieking through your walls
The Devil's at our door
(ELWOOD+MAZUREWICZ+DOMBROWSKI) Blessed are the faithful
For Hell's on the horizon
The evil in this room afflicts
us all turn to your crucifix
'Tis April's awful Sabbat
Foul Walpurgis Night
(DOMBROWSKI) We hear the chants from Meadow Hill
(DOMBROWSKI+MAZUREWICZ) And pray to know God's holy will
(MEADOW HILL CULTIST CHOIR) Nyarlathotep Veni Veni
Daemonia Ia Yog Sothoth
Ars Magister, Clavicula
Gel Sabaoth, Nyarlathotep
(ELWOOD+MAZUREWICZ+DOMBROWSKI) Blessed are the faithful
For Hell's on the horizon
The Devil has a thousand tricks
But can't defeat a crucifix
'Tis April's awful Sabbat
Foul Walpurgis Night!
When winds bear chants from Meadow Hill
We must pray for God's holy will
(DOMBROWSKI+ELWOOD/MAZUREWICZ) Blessed are the faithful/Benedictus dominus
For Hell's on the horizon
Evil's here and we predict
It's time to wield your crucifix
'Tis April's awful Sabbat/Benedictus dominus
Foul Walpurgis Night!
When winds bear chants from Meadow Hill
We must pray for God's holy will
(ELWOOD) We wanted to help him, Father.
Mazurewicz gave Walter a crucifix,
and said that you'd blessed it.
(FATHER IWANICKI) Yes, I remember that. Joe's a good man.
(ELWOOD) Dombrowski promised to cover the rat holes in Walter's room with tin,
and spread poison everywhere.
(ELWOOD) I told Walter he could come downstairs and sleep in my room meanwhile.
I'd keep watch during the night.
(FATHER IWANICKI) That was good of you, my son.
(ELWOOD) No, Father. I failed him!
(FATHER IWANICKI) I'm sure you—
(ELWOOD) We talked late into the night about Keziah and Brown Jenkin,
and about the possibility of traveling to other dimensions.
I only made things worse!