Gambino is a mastermind, fuck a bitch to pass the time
没错Bion什么都会 骑母狗打发时间
Mass Appeal, orange rind, smoke your green, I'm spendin' mine
涨粉快 橘红色的外表 抽着绿色的(大麻) 用着我自己的时间
The beat is witches brew, but beware this shit is potent
这个beat有魔力 跟Witches brew啤酒(烈酒品牌)一样烈
E.E. cummin' on her face, now that's poetry in motion
Yeah, Gambino make it work, I'm the boss move somethin'
是的 Gambino让着一些能实现(纽约地铁广告) 赶紧行动
Yeah, this cool fuckin' suits me, swag two button
没错 这TM很酷很适合我 双扣的swag
These girls be actin' crazy when they're dancin', Black Swan
姑娘跳起舞很疯狂 像黑天鹅(黑天鹅指Natalie Hershlag在电影黑天鹅中的角色)
I ain't fuckin' at the club, put your clothes back on
我在酒吧里没德行 把你衣服穿上吧 (怼Usher在meet love in this Club里的歌词)
This beat is a disaster, 9/11 this track
这歌对你来说是个灾难像 9.11.一样
Rappers wanna battle me, I have to mail their heads back
这帮rapper想和我作对 我把脑袋给你寄回来(七宗罪)
And my clique make that dinero, so it's time to meet the Fockers
我的团队就像德尼罗的角色 该认识你的岳父大人了(德尼罗演过很多黑帮角色)
I am runnin' this bitch, you are just a dog walker
这圈子里都是我的母狗 然而你就是个遛狗的
Leavin' with your girl when we last seen each other
第一次见到我的时候 你的女友被我带走了
You fuckin' with the baddest like we tag team Rihanna
你在和最狠的对着干 像我们的标签团队蕾哈娜
Fly girl on her knees, she don't wanna come near me
妞已经准备跪舔 但是她有点怂了
My dick is too big, there's a big bang theory
我的屌太大 就像生活大爆炸(美剧生活大爆炸)
Got her picture in my iPhone, what do y'all think?
我手机里有她的照片 你觉得怎样?
While y'all niggas masturbate, I'm in that Ariel Pink
你们就撸吧 而我被粉色包裹着(你懂的)
If I am just a rapper man, you coulda fooled me
我要真是个rapper 你可以愚弄我
I'm the shit, when these dudes talk, they talkin' bull me
我就是牛逼 这帮人聊天的时候 都是在说我
I'm down with the black girls of every single culture
Filipino, Armenian girls on my sofa
菲律宾 亚美尼亚的妹子 都在我沙发上
Yeah I like the white girls, sometimes we get together
没错我也爱白人妹子 有时候还约约会
Need a thick chick though, so it's black and yellow, black and yellow
不过我也需要些丰满的 黑色的黄色的 黑色的黄色的
Love is a trip, but fuckin' is a sport
爱是一种旅行 但啪啪啪是一种运动
Are their Asian girls here? Minority Report
我没有亚洲妹呢 少数派报告下呗(少数派指少数族裔 在英国黄种人是少数民族)
Put your team on the map, Blake Griffin on the court
把你的团队拉出来 Griffin可在场子里(我们的男主布雷克'格里芬)
Niggas bitin' off my tracks, need a knife and a fork
总有人偷吃我的歌 给你刀和叉吧(bite指偷学)
We the illest, need a nurse, here's the cheque, grab your purse
我有病 需要个护士 这是账单 你也该掏钱(ill在俚语里有牛逼的意思)
Unless we fuckin', then I'll pay for all the food on the Earth, man
除非我们飚会车 我一高兴也许把全世界的饭钱都结了
I got some pussy that was insane
So insane, it's an enemy of Batman
如此疯狂 就像蝙蝠侠的敌人(小丑超级反派 老爷的敌人)
I'm Dominant, niggas call me faggot cause they closeted
我是主宰 你们这帮傻逼叫我基佬是因为你们还不敢出柜
I'm hot as shit, comin' outta the backside of a rocket ship
我很火 像火箭喷射器(格里芬演过火星救援)
It's Monster shit, you dude's are the opposite of Lochnesses
我就是个怪物 你们站在了尼斯湖水怪的对面
Respond to this, we can squash the beef right now like sausages
敢回应吗 我把你碾成肉末 做成肉肠
Chillin' with my n-words, say that like a white kid
和我的兄弟们一起玩闹 你可不能这么叫 就像个白人(白人梗)
Yes you're booty's big as hers, say that to my white bitch
你的屁股大的跟我女人一样 问题她是个白婊子
So she don't get embarrassed, my dick is made of carrots
所以她不会不好意思 我的鸡儿跟胡萝卜一样大(美国胡萝卜基本超过5寸又叫五寸参17厘米以上天呐我快翻译不下去了)
Bunnies wantin' to be fed and I meant honeys, oh forget it
小兔兔等着吃呢 我的意思是我的蜜(对就是那个) 别提了
I have worked all Winter, I will not fail Summer
我整个冬天都在努力工作 所以夏天我一定不会失败
In the back of the bush, like Gavin Rossdale's drummer
我在草丛后面就像Gavin Rossdale(Bush主唱)的鼓手(鼓手演出一般在最后面)
Yeah, my stinger's in her flower, I hope she let's me pollenate
没错 我的蛰针就在她的花苞里 她希望我给她授粉
Workin' hard as shit, yeah this beat is made from concentrate
努力工作 这个beat是专注的结果
Nigga can't you tell that my sample of Adele
你们就听不出来我采样Adele么 (Do Ya Like采样了阿呆的Melt My Heart so Stone)
Was so hot, I got these hood niggas blowin' up my cell?
这采样太他妈火了 这帮混社会的把我电话都打爆了
Swag out the ass, I'm the man, fuck chico
太有范了 我才是那个天赋之人 草拟个Chico(老美剧)
Took the G out your waffle, all you got left is your ego
把你EGGO(华夫饼)的G拿走一个 你就只剩ego(自负;自私自利)了
Think about it for a second, man we eatin', where's your breakfast?
想想看吧 我们大鱼大肉 而你的早餐在哪里?
Man, you hungry have this sandwich, got my wallet, Cheese and Lettuce
哥们你饿吗 我这有个三明治 拿点钱走 奶酪和莴苣(Lettuce生菜;俚语纸币)
An elephant never forgets, so my dick remembers everythin'
大象永远不会忘记 所以我也记得所有(dick俚语鸡儿)
Green inside your wallet is that pussy open sesame
你皮夹子里的绿色 就是芝麻开门的咒语
Runnin' the game, fuck am I sayin', runnin' the Earth, give me a month
统治这个圈子 都得听我的 统治这个地球 再等我一个月
Told all you niggas I'm in it to win it cause havin' an Emmy just wasn't enough
告诉你们吧 我混什么圈就在什么圈赢 艾美奖根本就不够
You get sloppy drunk, I stay whiskey neat
你喝的烂醉 我只喝我的威士忌
My clique should be cancelled, Freaks and Geeks
我的圈子就该被解散 都是怪胎和怪才