
Samuel woke up from his sleep one night
by a vision from God.
And he felt an urge to share his vision
with the rest of the world.
And as many men before him,
he was convinced that the truth
should be spread around the world by him.
So he said goodbye to his family
and his home in the forest,
for one in the city.
His sister was worried for the disappointments he might face
And that he would grow sharp edges on his heart
And cause more scatteredness than peace around him.
But she did love him.
And to soften his heart she wrote him a letter, saying:
"Oh my tangerine don't compare the worst in them,
with the best in you.
Only love can change us, brother Samuel"
The city is crowded and full of distractions,
The people look proud but they cry for affection.
The city is crowded and full of distractions,
The people look proud but they cry for affection.
2.Some Die Young
3.Who Started It
6.Better Life
7.What You Want
8.In The Comet
9.Vårens Första Dag
10.Du Följer Med Mig
12.På Gatan Där Jag Bor
13.Just nu
14.Alla Vill Till Himmelen Men Ingen Vill Dö
15.Ängeln I Rummet
16.Here I Go Again
17.Fred (Till Melanie)