And now, eternity...
Be still now, I am with you, I am deep within you
You are at peace, you cannot be harmed, you will not suffer.
Breathe deeply, breathe in the healing love of the universe,
And breathe out the sickness which has taken you, I am with you.
(It's easy, it's like breathing, it's like a heartbeat, it's easy...)
Have not betrayed your ideals, your ideals betrayed you
What are you going to do?
Your eyes will not close, your tongue barely speaks
But I can still feel you.
I can still feel you, so come, come relax,
Grin, let the changes in. Come on, come relax, grin,
Let the laughter, let the laughter, let the laughter begin
Relax, grin, let the changes in.
Time is done, the sun has gone, it's too late, eternity has come.
2.Fixed Income
3.What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 2)
5.Un Autre Introduction
6.Walkie Talkie
7.Guns Blazing (Drums of Death Part 1)
8.Lonely Soul
9.Lost & Found
10.What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 3)
11.Mutual Slump
12.Stem/Long Stem
13.Reconstruction Medley
14.Holy Calamity (Bear Witness II)
15.The Third Decade, Our Move
16.Halfway Home
17.The Number Song
18.Organ Donor
19.Mashin' on the Motorway
20.Blood on the Motorway
21.Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain & Outro