What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 2)

We are standing here at the edge of time...
Our road was paved to the edge of time...
Steel... Sparks...
Come with me now to the edge of time...
Does anyone remember who I am?
In a few moments you will have an experience which will seem completely real...
It will be the result of your subconscious fears, transformed to your conscious awareness...
You have five seconds to terminate this tape...
Five, four, three, two, one
Has everybody got a place to hide?
Is everybody inside?
Has everybody got a place to hide?
Is everybody inside?
There's a game out there, and the stakes are high.
And the guy who runs it figures the averages all day long, and all night...
Once in a while he let's you steal a pot,
But if you stay in the game long enough, you've got to lose,
And once you've lost, there's no way back...
No way at all...
The time has come
Darkness! darkness! darkness!
The time has come
The time has come
Can you feel this?
What is that buzzing?
Are you now, or have you ever, moved slowly?
(THX 1138 Movie Sample)
2.Fixed Income
3.What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 2)
5.Un Autre Introduction
6.Walkie Talkie
7.Guns Blazing (Drums of Death Part 1)
8.Lonely Soul
9.Lost & Found
10.What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 3)
11.Mutual Slump
12.Stem/Long Stem
13.Reconstruction Medley
14.Holy Calamity (Bear Witness II)
15.The Third Decade, Our Move
16.Halfway Home
17.The Number Song
18.Organ Donor
19.Mashin' on the Motorway
20.Blood on the Motorway
21.Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain & Outro