U.S. History (Album Version (Explicit))

Hustler's in my blood my father's name is Britain
His history consisted of robbery killin' and pimping
盗匪之血在体内翻腾 家父大名不列颠
Filthy rich and the biggest killer that you ever seen
他的履历上写满劫掠 杀戮和拉皮条
Once I'm older I'm takin' over i’ma be king
是你见过最不择手段的豪绅 与最嗜血成性的屠户
I was locked up in jail when he got the new land
当我谙熟人心 便要夺取一切 加冕称王
Opened his cells I guess that's how the story began
在他殖民新大陆时 我正饱受牢狱之灾
当牢房被他打开时 我想这才是故事开始的方式
First mission was to clear it out and claim it as mine
Indigenous people were peaceful it took no time
第一项任务就是扫除障碍 随后喧宾夺主
Great grandmother Africa was blind and disabled
Sons was traitors we played divide and conquer invaded
Sold her children into slavery and profited quick
她的儿子们都是悍贼 我们玩着分而治之的侵入游戏
Started makin' side deals and that's how I got rich
给奴隶主售卖她的孩子 很快赚的盆钵满盈
Daddy Britain found out and tried to put me in check
随即转为单边生意 这就是我的生财之道(各种贩奴各种恰烂钱)
He don't understand I'm a man and I deserve some respect
老爹不列颠有所顾忌 于是企图扼制住我(详见美国建国初期历史)
Tried to bring it to me but I play for keeps and I won
他不理解 我已成年他应当给我些尊重(来克星敦的枪声)
Still my daddy but you ain't the only man with a gun
试图拉我下水 但为了胜利我要来点真的 所以结果如我所愿(萨拉托加战役的胜利)
More money More problems little brother is wild
你仍是我的老爹 但你不在是唯一一个手里有枪的男人(独立战争的胜利)
They call 'em The South he's country with a big ass mouth
钱越来越多 问题也随之而来 小弟们也开始猖狂起来(小弟指诸南方联邦)
Tried to show 'em new business but he don't wanna change
I love 'em but I knew eventually I'd blow out his brains
I'm America!
我爱我的小弟 但我知道我最终要让他们看见自己的脑浆(有点燕双鹰的感觉)
You know you know God Bless America
You know you know God Bless America
天佑美国 你清楚的
You know you know God Bless
天佑美国 你明白的
Me and my daddy still cool and my uncles is with us
France Russia and Italy and we all killers
我和老爹依旧很酷 而老舅苏联也很给力
But it's this nigg@ named Germany that's out of control
法兰西 俄罗斯还有意大利 我们志同道合都是杀手
Rollin with Japan and Turkey and them nigg@s is bold
Started fvck' with my uncles and we all went to war
Uncle France damn near died at the tip of his sword
他们开始欺负我的舅舅们 于是我们全部参战
When the smoke cleared we won let 'em retreat
Shoulda' killed 'em cause they knew they had us close to defeat
当硝烟散尽 我们不会让他们撤退
我们拼命追击 因为他们知道他们快要将我们毁灭
Kicked it off again 20 years later it was on
This time my uncle Italy traded and he was gone
时光流逝 二十年之后旧戏重演
I was neutral when Japan hit me guess that he knew
I aint gone' let my family fight without me jumpin' in too
我是中立的 当日本打我的时候我想他很清楚(珍珠港事件)
Woulda' lost if I didn't hit Germany's weapon supply
Kamikaze Japanese was always ready to die
如果不阻断德国的弹药补给 我们必将失败
Dropped atomic bomb let them ****** know that it's real
Speak soft with a big stick do what I say or be killed
所以我们扔了原子弹 让他们明白我们不是说说而已(小男孩和胖子,一个飞广岛一个飞长崎)
I'm America!
我就是要甜言蜜语加大棒政策 要么听我号令 要么就人头落地!
You know you know God Bless America
You know you know God Bless America
天佑美国 你很明白
You know you know God Bless
天佑美国 你很清楚
I'm racin' with my uncle Russia we the ones with the guns
He supported the North so I rolled with South Vietnam
我和苏联舅舅比赛军备 我们都是房子里放满家伙的国家
Thought it would be easy but almost 60 thousand died
他的势力在北方 所以我从越南开始
They was harder than Korea so we ran for our lives
他们比韩国人还要难对付 所以我们战术撤退(结束)
It's a family called the Middle East and they got bread
Sellin' oil they don't cut me in then off with their head
I got a nephew named Israel that's right in the middle
他们只是售卖原油没有招惹我 但他们最终会断头
Pay his allowance as long as he can dance to my fiddle
我有个侄子叫以色列 就住在他们中间
I had a patna' named Iraq gave 'em weapons and money
我给他点钱 他听我的话
Nigg@s started getting' power and he start actin' funny
我还有个远亲伊拉克 我给他枪和钱
Saudi Arabia's cool gotta son Bin Laden
I was trainin' his soldiers to go against the Russians and stop 'em
Then he tried to say I need to take my soldiers and cut
Gave 'em the finger that's when he flipped and blew my sh(it up
接着他告诉我 他需要他的士兵去战斗
I took it to 'em, and then I took it back to Iraq
他们进攻我的时候 我要好好的耍弄他们一顿
And if you ain't my blood brother you gonna be flat on yo' back
我会好好款待他们的 接着就是伊拉克
The sons of Africa just invented this **** called rap
如果你不是我的亲兄弟 那么有你好看的
Tellin' my secrets that's why I'm puttin' their heads on flat
Built an empire quick and it might not last
告诉你个秘密 这就是我要打爆他们头的原因
But I bet I go down in history as the one that smashed
很快的建立一个王国 但不一定会持续很久
I'm America!
You know you know God Bless America
You know you know God Bless America
天佑美国 你可明白
You know you know God Bless
天佑美国 你可清楚
Hustlin's in my blood my father's name is Britain
Hustlin's in my blood my father's name is Britain
伏莽之血胸中翻掀 家父之大名不列颠!
Hustlin's in my blood my father's name is Britain
我的血液来自强盗 他的名字叫不列颠!
Hustlin's in my blood my father's name is Britain
拥有着盗匪的血脉 我的父亲是不列颠!
The red the white the red the white the blue
我就是海盗的血肉 他姓名就是不列颠!
The red the white the red the white the blue
猩红的双眼 银白的沙滩 湛蓝的海面
The red the white the red the white the blue
染血的枪支 洁白的牙齿 蔚蓝的天空
The red the white the red the white the blue
熊熊的烈焰 花白的银矿 钻蓝的湖水
The red the white the red the white the blue
燃烧的骸骨 雪亮的刀刃 幽蓝的羽毛
The red the white the red the white the blue
赤红的铁水 霜白的雾霭 钴蓝的玻璃
The red the white the red the white the blue
褐红的皮肤 煞白的棉花 墨蓝的图腾
The red the white the red the white the blue
渗血的鞭痕 惨白的脸颊 淡蓝的纹身
The red the white the red the white the blue
火红的愤怒 斑白的发鬓 瓦蓝的军装
The red the white the red the white the blue
紫红的黎明 霜白的星光 微蓝的瘀伤
The red the white the red the white the blue
血染的海湾 皓白的月光 灰蓝的眼眸
The red the white the red the white the blue
浅红的爆炸 白底的红日 清湛的穹顶
The red the white the red the white the blue
黯淡的红星 苍白的灰烬 蓝底的星环
1.Someday (Album Version (Explicit))
2.Spun (Album Version (Explicit))
3.U.S. History (Album Version (Explicit))
5.Revolutionary Beat (Album Version (Explicit))
6.Time (Album Version (Explicit))
7.No More
8.Train (Album Version (Explicit))
9.Get Ready (Album Version (Explicit))
10.Angel (Album Version (Explicit))
11.Skippin' Stones (Album Version (Explicit))
12.Trumpets (Album Version)
13.Happy Birthday